Adding wide whites on FTE axles...

model40fan Monday, 3/2/2015

wheels are Gov'ner's, 1/16" aluminium tubes cut just longer than needed, filed a radius on the ends, the FTE axles slid right in...rubbed graphite onto the ends... I didn't grind slots for j b quick in the tubes, instead I crimped the tubes with the axles "in"...

Slots cut underneath the delivery's base ;

 Base is drilled under the axle centers for "JB RIVETS" to anchor the tubes ;

RAAB tool aligns the wheels / axle tubes ;


The axle tubes make it nice, because it doesn't matter how long or short the axles are. They will work, no matter what the length they start off!

  • didn't need them this time, wanted to try it, lets me run wide track tall diameter wheels all round. — model40fan
  • Yeah, and you can set the end play the way you want! — 72_Chevy_C10

I like your idea for crimping them in. I am not so careful with the jb weld as I should be. GOOD IDEA!!  THANKS!!

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