Minimum Gradient on Open Track

Stroller Monday, 4/8/2013

What do you think would be a good gradient for a open track road course that would keep the cars moving but not so fast that they would crash at every curve or esses. I did a simple trial and found that -.05 seem the minimum, but also seemed kind a wimpy. Anyone got an idea an opinion or a theory?



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RedlineFan1 4/9/13

What exactly do you mean by gradient? What units are you measuring it in?

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Stroller 4/9/13

Gradient means you divide the difference in height by the distance.
Gadient of -.05 means the track drops .6 of an inch for every foot traveled. Gradient of .05 means the track would raise .6 inch for every foot traveled.

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GspeedR 4/10/13

The 4ft return ramp on my 28' Open Test coarse is set @ ~12-15deg...adds just enough 'kick' after the momentum loss from the uphill climb into the 2-lane curve. If you're using 'Fat Track', you can always vary drop transitions too...'electrical tape' is your friend.

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