*closed*Diecast Derby League presents "The Fast or Last Tour" season 1
Saturday, April 19th, 2025
The Diecast Derby League (DDL) is the beginning of an idea that has been floated around for long time; a diecast racing league with the intention of having multi track racing, with points adding up over a racing season. Keeping it simple (for hosts) and as fair as possible for all levels of racers.
The league is not just one person running everything, the league will be an open to various track owners to host races and open to all racers to take part in a race season, as well.
Ideally, the tracks will vary each season and the number of racers will grow over time.
Currently, the first race season of the DDL is being overseen and hosted by 4 track hosts: Chase Family Racing, Jungle Falls Raceway, Ricks Diecast Racing, and Elevation Diecast Racing. The first season will have racers traveling from the starting point of Haywood Valley Raceway (chase family racing), then heading to Jungle Falls. From there the cars will go to Mile High Raceway (elevation diecast), and then to Comet Tail Raceway (ricks diecast racing). The cars will then head back to Haywood Valley for the final leg of the tour. After the racing there is complete, the points will be added up and winners will be announced. There will of course, be trophies and prizes for top racers. The entry fee of $20.00 dollars covers shipping from track to track and shipping the cars back to their owners
Rules & restrictions
- Modified entries only
- 60g maximum weight
- 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
- Limit 1 entries per household
- Retail axles and wheels only. FTE/NPA axles allowed. Any color wheels allowed, sanding and coning allowed
- Any lube
- Simply put, any casting, any brand, built any way you want. 1 rule: weight kept inside vehicle.
- *Keep in mind cars that are wide or top heavy may not do well on some tracks, so the suggestion is to stick to what you know works
- This first season, which is a testing and working out the kinks time, will be limited to 16 entries. What we are asking is that if you are interested in taking part and can guarantee you will get your car in on time with payment included, we would like you to leave a comment. After about a week or so, all of the interested names will be put into a "hat" and then an "all in 1 take" video will be done drawing 16 random names to take part in the event. As a group, we thought it was the best way to be fair. If all goes well, there will be a bigger season 2 with many more racers.
Dates & deadlines
All entries must be received by the host before Saturday, 4/12/2025. Racing is scheduled for Saturday, 4/19/2025. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.
How to enter
Contact the tournament host to get the shipping address for entry. Cars will be shipped to and returned from Chase Family Racing
Include at least $20.00 for return shipping if you want to race. Please do not send a car without payment. Please don't be late
Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry
Track 1: Haywood Valley Raceway: Time trials will be held and the 16 entries will be split into 2 groups: The top 8 and the bottom 8
Track 2: Jungle Falls Raceway: The first official race begins.This track starts as 2 lanes and then turns into a very long open track where speed can be friend or foe...
Track 3: Mile High Raceway: Is a 2 lane drag race track where cars will battle head-to-head for the top spots, so keep that in mind when building.
Track 4: Comet Tail Raceway: This is a 100% open track from start to finish. Lots of clanging and banging on this one.
Track 5/Race 5: Haywood Valley Raceway: After returning from the tour, the cars will race one final time down this timed, 2 lane track with multiple curves.
Race format and scoring
After the time trials, the cars will be split into 2 groups of 8
From track to track, the cars in their respective groups will race one another and be given points that will carry on and accumulate from track to track
The top car from each group earns 8 tournament points for winning a race, the last place car earns 1 point. Cars are given the same number of points equal to what they placed in the race. The tournament points will carry over from race to race
Cars are given a grace of 1g over the stated weight limit to account for variance in scales.
If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for victory. Finish position and any prize will go to the runner-up in the case of the penalty car winning.
Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. If a car gets mangled during a race and can no longer compete, the car owner will be notified and may be given the chance to send in another car if it seems feasible. We want people to get their 20 dollars worth :)
Various trophies and prizes, gifts will be awarded at the end of the event.
I'll take a chance, Steve. :)
I'll take a spot
I'd like a spot please
Put my name in the hat please. But one of those hand cranked ping pong ball tumbler things would make for a better selection video.
- Well I was going to hire 2 strippers to hide the names on their bodies and I would have to find them with my teeth, but your suggestion is probably more family friendly:) — ChaseFamilyRacing
- Your number for the drawing is: B5 — ChaseFamilyRacing
I will put my name in! It depends on how many people are interested...
Will an extra $20 help my chances at all in the draw? ;)
- Lining someone's pocket always helps in theory. — 1Jungle_Falls
- Oh Mylanta — ElevationDiecastRac1ng
- Legally, I have to say “no” — ChaseFamilyRacing
- Lol — ManiacMotorsports
- Your number for the drawing is: B6 — ChaseFamilyRacing
- ok — ManiacMotorsports
Count me in please.
This is going to be an epic adventure for everyone involved, builders and host. I'm excited to be a part of this. Being a host is an honor, and can't wait to see how it plays out.
Sure! Let's go buddy!
I'm in
I am looking forward to this!
count me in! I am generally not very lucky in drawings and things but you never know! Sounds like a great idea and hope the series works out!