Igloo Proving Grounds Open (Roster is FULL)
Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Beaverworx Mail-in Event At the Igloo Proving Grounds
I.P.G. Open #1
We put the vote up and you let us know what you wanted for the next Beaverworx Diecast Racing mail-in event and it is a combination of all 4 events, in 1 big tournament!! So here it is folks the 1st I.P.G. Open!
To enter, you must submit a 4 vehicle team that can perform on each of the Igloo Proving Ground events. The Stone Road Challenge, Rock Drop Jump, The Igloo Main Track and the Pebble Path. (There are lots of videos available at Beaverworx Diecast Racing YouTube channel to do your background research folks.) Each team needs to consist of 1 car for a jump competition, 1 car for Fat Track Racing, 1 Heavy off-road vehicle and 1 Light off-road vehicle, naturally in 1/64 scale and by any Global manufacturer Matchbox, Hot Wheels, M2 machines GreenLight, Tomica or other. All entries must be of production model vehicles, not fantasy cars! The cumulative points between the 4 vehicles will be the overall score for your team in the tournament. Team with the most points In all events “combined” will win the prizes and there are prizes!! That will be announced when the tournament is on the way..
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams and best looking team!
Vehicle Specifications by event
Vehicle #1
Stone Road Challenge (Heavy Off-Road)
-Modified entries only (All mods must be internal. Vehicle must appear to be stock!)
-Large off-road knobby tire Vehicles, Rubber or hard plastic
-Maximum weight 75 G
-Maximum length 8.5 cm (3.3”)
-Maximum width 3.5 cm (1.5”)
-Suspension is allowed
-Vehicle must have custom paint with the team name displayed. No offensive or controversial images or statements will be allowed
***Note, Castings that have nubs inside the wheels on the bottom should be trimmed off in all off-road events as it does impede clearance
Vehicle #2
The Pebble Path (Light Off-Road)
-Modified entries only (All mods must be internal. Vehicle must appear to be stock!)
-Stock ride height Off-road vehicles or modified rally cars
-Maximum weight 60 G
-Maximum length 8.5 cm (3.3”)
-Maximum width 3.5 cm (1.5”)
-Suspension is allowed
-Vehicle must have custom paint with the team name displayed. No offensive or controversial images or statements will be allowed
***Note, Large wheel Vehicles usually end up inverted! Speed and control are needed
Vehicle #3
The Rock Drop Jump (Jump competition)
-Modified entries only (All mods must be internal. Vehicle must appear to be stock!)
-Stock ride height vehicles
-Maximum weight 50 g
-Maximum length 7.5 cm
-Maximum width 3.5 cm
-Suspension is allowed
-Vehicle must have custom paint with the team name displayed. No offensive or controversial images or statements will be allowed
***Note, Vehicles with low front spoilers or low front ends in general will drag on the ramp surface so avoid these if possible or file it down
Vehicle #4
Igloo Main Track (Fat Track Racing)
-Modified entries only (All mods must be internal. Vehicle must appear to be stock!)
-Stock right height vehicles
-Maximum weight 75 G
-Maximum length 8.5 cm (3.3”)
-Maximum width 3.5 cm (1.5”)
-Suspension is allowed
-Vehicle must have custom paint with the team name displayed. No offensive or controversial images or statements will be allowed
***Note, Igloo Main Track is a shorter simulated mile track with a steep incline into high bank corners, with a measured jump in the middle. Keep versatility in mind with your build.
Cross Tracking Vehicles
If you have an entry you believe can do more than one event, this will be allowed, at the risk of not having a vehicle customized for each event. For instance, if you have a car that was entered in the Rock Drop Jump you believe will do well on the Pebble Path. This kind of thing will be allowed resulting in a three-car team as long as you specify which cars will be running each event.
Extra Stuff
- Include Driver’s name (you can have one Driver for all 4 vehicle’s or different drivers for each event)
- If possible include a logo representing your Team
All entries must be delivered by Sept/31/24
Events will start mid Oct./24
5$ Entry fee (US) to help with Prizes
+20$ (US) for Return Shipping if you want you team back
To Enter
Due to this being the first of this kind, we need to limit the teams to 12.
We will also keep 2 reserve slots for cancellations
Are you willing to build 4 awesome vehicles to perform on our very unique style of diecast racing tracks?
***Comment Below with the reason you want to build a 4 VEHICLE team to come and play at the Igloo Proving Grounds and why you ARE the best choice to win!
First come First served and 12 Slots available + 2 for reserve
Good Luck Everybody!
Beaverworx Diecast Racing
1. EssexBoysRacing
2. IronBeard Customs
3. Sisters Of the Heavy Metal
4. Kingjester
5. Puffs Racing
6. Ruckus_Racing
7. Hardcore Poetic
8. Stoopid_Fish_Racing
9. Bolo_Brown
10. RaginRicky
11. Dog_Squab_Racing
12. LobotomyScam
Reserve spots
13. StrayDog
14. Crazy_Canuck
Yah know what screw it I'll take a crack at this. Kingjester is in
- Well... That counts as a reson I guess...lol Return of the KING to IPG! Thanks man, Your in! — Beaverworx
- Okay well to give a more legitimate reason, My Waggoner form the stone road challenge proved that with the pebble path I could make something good on your track. I believe I could definitely come up with a winning team. — Kingjester
- That's the spirit...lol!! — Beaverworx
- well said jester! — dr_dodge
I want in
I want redemption and I love All your tracks. Want to race
Challenge accepted!! I have to defend my spot as stone road champion! Lol and race all your awesome tracks!!
I would like a spot if it's still room
- Why do you want a spot!? — Beaverworx
- Because I think it'll be very interesting 4 different vehicles, 4 different tracks. I like the challenge and I'm up to it. Let me get this, correct. It's twenty dollars if we want our cars back and five dollars to enter, so it's twenty five dollars altogether — Bolo_Brown
- There he is!! You got the spot and that is correct! Shipping out of Canada sucks currently so unfortunatly we have to ask for the shipping fee. The extra 5 is to help get some cool prizes! — Beaverworx
I'll take a spot!
- Why do you want a spot!? — Beaverworx
- To see if I can be competitive on your tracks. Can't get better without losing at a bunch of different places! — StrayDog
- Looks like it going to be a Reserve spot! — Beaverworx
Can I play, too?
I'm resurrecting Ruckus after a devastating house fire. Actually, I'm becoming more active in the hobby than I ever was before. Therapy. I have very limited tools and resources, but a good selection of off road wheels and a few castings on hand that suit the IPG courses. Plus my new digs include a four year old roommate who wants to go racing.
- Epic and totally worthy of a spot eh! welcom aboard... Your in — Beaverworx
- welcome back! — dr_dodge
- sorry to hear of your misfortune... glad you are making a recovery! — Stoopid_Fish_Racing
Hardcore Poetic Racing would like to send a team!
- Why do you want a spot!? — Beaverworx
- Because I've been modding cars for seven months and I want to make sure I'm still pushing myself. I've had good results and bad results and Iknow I'll keep getting better if I can take on challenges like this - cars modded for unique and interesting events like yours. — Hardcore_Poetic
- Perfect and we have the tracks to test those skills your hoaning... Thank you sir! You are in!! — Beaverworx
I'd like to submit a team for this. I've never been there before and I think I can build some competitive vehicles. And if they suck, at least they'll look good...haha!
- Good looking Vehicles... New Team to the Track.. Sper cool Name... You Dawg's are in!! — Beaverworx
I want in please!!!!
- Well... the reply was an Email... Sould have been on hear... But, your still good to go. Your in! — Beaverworx
- Awsome!! — RaginRicky
- I’ve got what it takes to make a winning team that will crush any terain — RaginRicky
Me, me, meee!! I want a spot because I do love your facilities and it's more fun than a kick in the head. Plus, I recently traded in my long hair for a buzzcut, so I feel more aerodynamic.
- My condolences on the loss of your hair eh! I havint been touched by the scissors in over 30 year's and counting...lol! You got it sir and we are super happy to have ya on board! You got the last offical spot! — Beaverworx
- Yes! I have so many cars and trucks to test and can start opening cards with reckless abandon. — LobotomyScam
can I play?
sisters of heavy metal
I have some interesting builds in mind,
reason: to try to outdo the brisket wagon
more wheel standing on the way!