Know your Hot Wheels chassis

redlinederby Wednesday, 4/30/2014
Site manager

When it comes to building a custom car or even just modding one to be a better racer, many of the decisions end up being based on the car chassis you have available. If you want to combine features from several cars, knowing which chassis fits and offers what you want is critical and unfortunately this can mean a lot of trial-and-error. But fortunately for us a Redline Derby Racing member has gone the extra mile to help build a visual database of car chassis.

Redline Derby and modding veteran Model40Fan has taken photos of chassis as he builds custom racers and labels them to make for quite the handy key. Have an idea for a custom car? Scan this database to find the chassis you think is right and then start looking for the car. No longer will finding a chassis be a problem, now the trouble will be finding the car!

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