Nice Train for sale

Stoopid_Fish_Racing Tuesday, 10/1/2024

I saw this set for sale on ebay... it is a complete nice older set but if you are looking to add one to your layout, you may be interested! S scale is 1/64.

train set


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dr_dodge 10/1/24

thats a decent deal

lots of track, and the turnouts, too


That's a good deal for a Lionel.

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AbbyNormal 10/2/24

Wow its got gears and everything...

  • lol — dr_dodge
  • Not as many as the transmissions from the Fast and Furious series. — SpyDude
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SpyDude 10/2/24

Full set, nice. And that's a decent price, too. Those old Lionel trains usually run close to double what he's asking for, and considering he's got all those curves and turnouts .... this is a steal, man.

  • yup, some of those sets go for stupid money — dr_dodge
  • Agreed... If I didn't already have what I need I would grab it! — Stoopid_Fish_Racing
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