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Super Six Lane Jacked Up

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Milton-Fox 10/27/13

READERS DIGEST VERSION: I wanted to thank everyone for their past posts. Over the past month or more I have read through almost all of them. That information has come in handy as this weekend I was able to spend some time running the Super 6 Lane set up in the scale 1/4 mile configuration (20.625'). Usually, I am keeping score and running the brackets for everyone else! That information came in handy and saved me a lot of set up time, avoiding issues and helped identify fixes for the few that did come up.

DETAILS: I used the manufacturers set up for the HW ramp. Eighteen inch drop over 8' of downhill run. I dont have a long enough or wide enough area inside to jack up the ramp like Preacher has, but may do that under the covered patio in the spring!

As others have noted there are various ways to move the finish line and support it in position on a longer track setup. I used to plastic photo frames withe support holes drilled through to support the gate. However; I set up on carpeting this time and it sank down into the pile - creating a lane 1 and 6 - clearance issue with the side posts - I hadn't had before. I made some cut outs into the track side wall and some duck tape guard rails to move the cars to the inside part of the lane as a temporary fix. Model40fan is sending me a set of his finish line bracket supports, which I think will fix that issue for me! (Thanks again model40fan!)

I only had one vehicle (a Solar Reflex) run over the track rail from lane 4. Identified a narrower track joint - that I moved and was able to fix that issue as well. Overall I spent about an hour cleaning track and adjusting things around while running the Retroactive 6 car Test Team.

Thanks again for all your shared information!

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