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Ford Fan Dual

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Count me in for 2 please!

I have a Ford GT40 and a Ford GT40 MkIV that I can send in.

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
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AJ_Grey 8/3/23

Can I join?

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
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Dretty 8/3/23

I'm down for one entry

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
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WesCoasin 8/4/23

I'm down for 2 if you're still taking

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
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Marco_Polo 8/7/23

Polo Racing is in with two entries!!

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
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Old_Sarge 8/8/23

Do you still have space for another racer? If so I'd like a spot. 1 or2?

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B
  • Where to sir — Old_Sarge
  • Pm me on Facebook messenger for address please. ???????? — Triple_B
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EnochEl 8/16/23

Is this still open?

  • Yes sir ! You're in good luck ???? — Triple_B
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Kingshark 8/20/23

Mako Racing Ready to race to put me down for 2 good sir

  • You're in ! Good luck ???? — Triple_B

Can they be any FMC product like Lincoln or Mercury as well? Saw a few nice Cougars available...

  • Sorry, I'm trying to limit it to strictly Ford. I would get so many Mercury's and such if not. — Triple_B
  • Ok... thanks mate... still taking entries? — Stoopid_Fish_Racing

Still have room for me to enter?

Can you please send the address for sendingthe cars .. Thanks 

  • That's why I'm here. Sent a DM, no reply yet. — FeralPatrick
  • Hey sorry about the lack of attention on here. I thought I had put in the description to pm on messenger for the address. So if you are still looking for it. 324 Glendale st. Creve Coeur Illinois 61610 — Triple_B
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FeralPatrick 9/26/23

Shipping as soon as I get the address.

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