Going Blu Track
Creative racing and different but going from orange track to open track and then to blu track does not seem like a good idea. The cars that ended up on the center divider going from open track to blu track did so because they were in the middle of the open track when they encountered the blu track.
Agreed. I suggested that he try Fat Track on the arched bridge between the orange & Blutrack. Fat Track has tiny longitudinal ridges that help keep the cars pointed forward. Also, a small, pointed, wedge divider(shaped from wood?) could also be used to help divert cars into one of the 2 Blutrack lanes. It wouldn't eliminate wrecks but it might give the cars a better chance to hold momentum through the transition.
On another note, I completely airborn....great stuff!!
I've really been thinking about going for a 100 ft Blu Track Pro, but honestly...I've got too much $$ invested in my current setup to make the switch. At the present we are running 37ft Hot Wheels Orange track, and would really like to lengthen the track so that the cars can really stretch their legs. But honestly, I think I'm going to go to only 50ft...so I can keep the race indoors, and still use my current setup. Hey, when the cars hit the flat section of the track they have to be a good roller to make it to the end. But if it was a continual downhill race...that would be a different story. I personally believe, for Blu Track to excel it needs a good flat surface so the track will lay flat...any little bump in the track at speed sends cars flying off the track...not fun when you are racing. To do this it would take a lot more wood, and $$ to make this happen, and work setting up for a race. But I'm still thinking...
Here's something interesting about Blu Trak. It is exactly the same width as the Hot Wheels Play Set city street pieces. I even used some of the play set pieces as a spacing guide when I put down side guides to hold the Blu Trak straight on my new track boards.......it fit perfectly......tested it and the track ran better than ever. After that I removed the Blu Trak and used orange track on the ramp and connected those pieces to a couple play set pieces and little one inch down ramp. The cars now come down the ramp onto the play set pieces and down the little transition piece on to the bare wood of the track boards between the guide rails and voila' I have open track drag racing....... BTW I picked up the HW play set pieces at a garage sale with no idea os what I was going to do with them....
Post some pictures of what you are talking about...I might like to use this, when I get my Blutrack on Monday.
Bluetrack Monday!
Creative racing and different but going from orange track to open track and then to blu track does not seem like a good idea. The cars that ended up on the center divider going from open track to blu track did so because they were in the middle of the open track when they encountered the blu track. The cars seemed to roll nicely on the blu track even on uneven ground, No track type is perfect and I'm not about to get rid of my orange track. I have been eyeing the new HW orange track with the better connector. .................Stroller.