Perfect Bracket
Thanks Mcjiggles9! Sorry to take it first! It was actually a complete surprise when I saw it. I clicked on tournaments and saw my name next to Blue October and was like, "Yes! I finally won my first tournament!". Then I clicked to see how my picks were and all I saw was green and i'm like... wait a minute...
Anyway, my two cents on the RTL: We haven't counted achievement points for the entire season so far in it, so I don't think we should start counting them now. It would just throw everything off and it's very difficult to see how many points people got for what achievement since they aren't listed in the player page.
Anyway, my two cents on the RTL: We haven't counted achievement points for the entire season so far in it, so I don't think we should start counting them now. It would just throw everything off and it's very difficult to see how many points people got for what achievement since they aren't listed in the player page.
Actually, we've ALWAYS counted achievement points. How do you think I scored 255 points in one tournament earlier this year? There's not been any way for me (working simply from the information posted on the site--I do all the score tallying in a strictly analog/reporting method) to separate achievement points from bracket points...and that's always been fine. You score what you score, however you score it...and that's what I add up.
The question that I had with this situation was a matter of timing. Since you didn't get the points you earned at the time you earned them, it becomes a question of whether or not it's "fair" to count them later...and because the point bonus in this case is so significant and because the RTL is in its playoffs, it struck me as an issue.
The simplest resolution to this is simply to ignore any concerns and to go ahead and use whatever numbers that the system generates. That's what we've done all year and since this is a Blind Trial Season anyway, it shouldn't matter so much. (But I love that it feels like it should!)
is in its playoffs, it struck me as an issue.The simplest resolution to this is simply to ignore any concerns and to go ahead and use whatever numbers that the system generates. That's what we've done all year and since this is a Blind Trial Season anyway, it should matter so much. (But I love that it feels like it should!)
Oh, I thought maybe your car won the race or something. >.> If you're going to count it, I think it should only count for that particular match since that is where it should have been if not for a bug in the website.
For sake of ease, and since Worpex is being a great sport, lets just move ahead with the numbers as have been listed already.
The 100 points that Worpex got were added AFTER the tournaments and won't be part of the next week's score...there's no way to separate points. So like Peter said, I think rather than make our brains ache worrying about, we'll just go forward with what the points as they appear.
The "problem" of separating points won't change next season anyway...this really won't get fixed until the relaunch next year, so better to stick with a plan. Since this is a beta test for teams, I'd rather make sure the total points are correct because that will determine prizes at the end of the season...there's something to lose there if someone gets screwed due to a bug or a problem, right now teams are just bragging rights.
Wow, nice job!Now, how to get back in the lead?
Whew, just picked my brackets and I have to say, the two cars you put into both of the tournaments are clear favorites. : / It's going to be pretty hard to beat you this week!
Did it again in heatseeker! did you get perfect picks too JDC?
No, I missed the very first pick. I stayed away from that Javelin with the new FTE wheels and it cost me. Would have had a perfect (plus 50) 300 point bracket. I entered the Stockcar and got the bonus.
Perfect bracket, eh? I've been so very partially quote Eddie Murphy from the movie "48 Hrs")...
quote Eddie Murphy from the movie "48 Hrs")..."
You're still #1 in points. FIREBIRDS FIGHTING!
You're still #1 in points. FIREBIRDS FIGHTING!
...and how I've managed to without winning a torny is completely beyond me.
*delete*...silly double post
Congrats WorpeX i really wanted to be the first, ive gotten almost two perfect brackets, one last weak in the tournanent where i only got one in the first round wrong...and sadly i picked against the car i entered