RLD Fantasy league archive spreadsheet
Due to some recent upgrades by my web host, the old Fantasy League archive pages have become broken and unuseable. FWIW, my apologies, but it was out of my control and those old pages are almost 10 years old and ran on some very old technology.
However, I was able to copy the car database to a Google spreadsheet and have made that available for anyone interested in reviewing that data.
View fantasy league database spreadsheet (via Google Docs)
It's basically just a list of the 500+ cars that were running in the fantasy league with their core stats (rating, weight, etc). I was not able to use the car vs car history or track information in any meaningful way, but I'm not sure that data was useful at this point anyway.
You should be able to sort the list as you need, just use the toolbar. You can also make a copy using your own Google account and do with it as you please.