RLD Nationals, Stage 2 - Red Pill Hill
Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 View race results
Race 2 in the RLD Nationals going down this week in GA on Red Pill Hill
Rules & restrictions
- Modified entries only
- 65g maximum weight
- 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
- Limit 2 entries per household
- Retail axles and wheels only. No premium or custom axles allowed.
- Dry lube only
Dates & deadlines
All entries must be received by the host before Tuesday, 1/14/2020. Racing is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/21/2020. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.
How to enter
Contact the tournament host to get the shipping address.
Include $NA for return shipping if you want your entries back. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.
Please print and include a Race ID slip with your entry
Glory....let's of Glory
Red Pill Hill
Race format and scoring
This will be a single-elimination tournament. A car will move on in the bracket only when it wins two races in a row. Cars will alternate lanes between each race.
The car that wins the final race will be declared the winner. Race host has final decision in all races.
Bracket seeding will be random but will try to avoid having an entrant race themselves, especially in the first round.
Cars are given a grace of 2g over the stated weight limit to account for variance in scales.
If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for tournament prizes. Offending cars will still race. Prize will go to the runner-up in the case of penalty car winning.
Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be repaired before the tournament. Cars that break during the tournament will not be repaired or replaced.
Fantastic! Cant wait to see if any of my junkers have any speed left. Ive never done a series like this so itll be interesting to see how they hold up over time!
Good luck everyone!
Cool free points to whomever draws my junk lol
- Same here. Anyone that draws the Maroon 55 Chevy gets a Bye run! — Mattman213
- Hey maybe we will race each other so one of us can get a point — NDeavers80
- That NEEDS to happen at some point, all of the unfortunate dud cars face off so one of them has a chance at a point during the Nationals LOL — Mattman213
The cars are unpacked and wow what a fantastic group of builds. LOS sent this serpentine bracket to change the matchups a little so its what we are going with. Bracket "A" will be started immediately after this post and will be posted to my YouTube channel. I will share the link once the video is posted. Good luck to everyone!
Bracket "A"
- Close racing action — MDG_Racing
- Good stuff! Its interesting seeing how the cars react to the different track styles and whether or not they keep their speed as they get some passes on them! — Mattman213
Great stuff....and we're off!!!!!
- May not survive the next round but I'll take round 1 W's! Some really intense matchups so far and more to come it appears! — Mattman213
Great!!! races guys an girls . Those car look awsome . Good ole chevy muscle to the finish.
Here we go. Sweet 16 all the way to the finals. I do my videos a little bit differently than most of the races on Redline derby but I hope everyone enjoyed the racing.
Good Luck to all the Racers