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How was your rookie year?

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RaginRicky 1/17/25

Sent my first cars to Ricks Diecast Racing  almost a year ago today.  And have been building and shipping every since. Some of my early builds at have not such places as top 3 turvy   And I'm almost dreading watching because my builds have improved since I sent them.  I've had a couple podium finishes but no first place yet.  Trail and error a lot of time and $ but well worth it in my opinion!

 Currently working on building a track. Progress is slow but it's getting there. And hopefully I can figure out how to video, edit and get on utube. 
  Looking forward to another several years. 
 Most expensive $1 car racing in the world!

 ABR (alway be racing)  see ya on the track

  • You've been doing good from what I've seen. Keep on improving! — Zamak_Speed_Shop

Holy waaah.  I just looked back at my records. I've only been at it 6 months and have already sent out 26 cars with 3 more about to hit the mail.  Seems like a year already! But my first race was June 1st. 

So far I'm doing ok. Learning a lot with each build and race. I managed a pair of 3rds in my first 7 races and my most recent cars are considerably faster.  Like RaginRicky said,  I hate to see some those cars I sent out months ago even run. Because I know their much slower than what I'm building now. Half of the cars I've sent out haven't even run yet.

Looking back at my Youtube channel,  I build my track 9 months ago and since then I've rebuilt it 3 times.  I've also put out almost 50 videos.  So yes...I'm obviously enjoying the hell out this hobby.  And I still can't believe its been less than a year.  By the time I hit the end of year 1 I'll also have hosted a race.

Much appreciation to all the great people on this site and in the hobby.  What a great bunch of people to share a hobby with!  See you in lanes!   Z

  • You’re off to a good start. Learning with the rest of us — RaginRicky
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LordSyosset 1/18/25

I've flipped over in a high turn twice, I can tell I needed more weight in my old Nascar Hornet. Amazing how you start to disect your performance of your cars. My other car DNF'd 2x's. but hardly any cars finished the race. I am still trying to find my other race. All in all I performed shitty and I love this hobby! This year I will learn about axels and I'm working on a car basically doing body work. However I noticed you can't touch a Ferrarri for under $25. In real life I can't afford gas for a Ferrarri. I hope to be in a lot more races this year.

  • I hear you on those Ferraris. Fortunately I bought a lot of them back in the day when Hot Wheels was still making them — Zamak_Speed_Shop

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