Boneshaker Tournament

Saturday, June 24th, 2023
Hosted by Mako Racing on Facebook
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Mako_Racing Thursday, 4/20/2023

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Aiming for 9:30pm central start time!!

The race will be on Facebook live through My group Mako Racing. If you can not attend the live the video will remain on the page after.
Boneshakers have always been one of my favorite Hotwheels for as long as I can remember.

Rules & restrictions

  • Stock and modified entries allowed
  • No maximum weight
  • 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
  • Limit 1 entries per household
  • Retail axles and wheels only. FTE/NPA axles allowed.
  • Dry lube only
  • Any model Boneshaker
  • Custom Paint mandatory. 
  • logos are welcome 
  • numbers are not required. 

Dates & deadlines

All entries must be received by the host before Saturday, 6/17/2023. Racing is scheduled for Saturday, 6/24/2023. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.

How to enter

Comment below your driver and team name, then send cars to 106 Ernest St. Apt. B. Washington Illinois 61571

Include at least $5.00 for return shipping if you want your entries back. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.

Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry


Race format and scoring

This will be a single-elimination tournament. A car will move on in the bracket only when it wins two races in a row. Cars will alternate lanes between each race.

The car that wins the final race will be declared the winner. Race host has final decision in all races.

Bracket seeding will be random.


Cars are given a grace of 1g over the stated weight limit to account for variance in scales.

If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for victory. Offending cars will still race. Finish position and any prize will go to the runner-up in the case of the penalty car winning.

Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. Cars that break during racing will not be repaired or replaced.

Winner Receives Custom Boneshaker by Yours truly. 


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SpyDude 4/20/23

Sounds interesting.
What kind of track are we looking at - drag strip or open road course?

I'll send one in. Think I've got a couple shakin around here somewhere.

I'm in. Colored wheels acceptable?

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RLoRacing 4/20/23

I'll send one with my rally/hatchback 

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Uncle_Elvis 4/21/23


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Numbskull 4/21/23

Count me in please.

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Kingjester 4/21/23

I happen to have a boneshaker so might as well use it for this occasion,Kingjester for jester motorworks will be in

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CraigsterSr 4/21/23

Craigster Sr. - Team 'Hot Nuts' would like a spot! Car #7

I have one to send


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MWAI_Racing 4/24/23

I'd like to get in 

ill send it with the hatchback and rally cars

MWAI racing #88

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speedtrap 4/27/23

If spots are still open, I have a Bone Shaker to race, Speedtrap - Black Garage Racing #13. 

I'm joining the Hatchback and Rally race, SO I'll also send a bone shaker for this competition. 

Driver: Nitro Poutine

for the Snowverwhelmed Toucan Team

Boneshaker #29, if possible.


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