Boneshaker Tournament
Kingshark is right: The limited area for weight is challenging! :-)
That makes it a great tournament idea!
- I know what ya mean, I was only able to squeeze 95 grams into my build, — dr_dodge
- 95g? OMG you did — MONGREL_MACHINES
- hopin' to crack 100, up to 98, buildin' headers now — dr_dodge
- That’s crazy I’m not even sure mine is over 70g ???? — Mako_Racing
- Dr_dodge is surely breaking some laws of physics that say that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time... LOL — MONGREL_MACHINES
- build thread?: — dr_dodge
- Yes please — Mako_Racing
- 99.3g should easily crack 100 and will take pics for y'all — dr_dodge
- still gotta cast the nose — dr_dodge
- Can hardly wait... — MONGREL_MACHINES
- Dude ... you're CASTING the entire car??? That's insane! — SpyDude
- I find that 73 coats of paint help get that extra 0.7g of weight... — EnZedRacing
Thank you for the challenge. I learned how to be careful cracking these open after breaking a few engines....
I have a large parts garage for boneshakers now....
- You’re welcome. Definitely been a challenge. Trying not only to make the weight fit but also make it so it won’t flip over — Mako_Racing
- yup low is good! — dr_dodge
Well heres my Rump Shaker entry. Will be sending with the Rally Hatchback cars together, still doing team scenes on those two cars
My three headed out to the Boneshaker Brawl and the Hatchback/Rally tournaments.
Knobby ridge dragway diecast I will send one
Victor FastLane
Is it too late for New Jersey Drive Racing to enter?
- Feel free to send one in as long as it’s here by due date — Mako_Racing
- Team - New Jersey Drive Racing Driver - Wally Champ — WallyChamp73
I have one ready so I'll give this a shot!
Team: G4 Diecast Racing
Driver: Daddy G
Is there a space for me??
Team: J&J Trucking
Driver: Jesus
On the way to the rally....should be fun!!
brown/green color change
hopefully out tuesday
I'll send one with the rally/hatch cars, if I may
dr dodge racing
joy will drive