Build diary: Making a shelf race track
Brian looks like a very promising start. Tools everywhere and a helpful is good.
Race on!
Can't wait to see some cars rolling down that shelf!
I'm sure the track shelf will become many things to the is expected. She loves racing cars already so with a few step stools I think she'll be able to help me race. Who needs a return track when you have a 3-year-old?
In the end this shelf probably won't eliminate the need to setup and tear down a track all the time but at least I won't be bending over all the time to get the cars. Between the dogs at the kids, racing on the floor was havoc. At least the dogs won't be able to step on things this way.
Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to trim and paint. The board I got for the hill turned out to be cracked and warped so I have to go get a new one.
Due to the web site changes, the Fantasy League is still aways from being active again but I'll be able to host mail-ins and be part of series. I'm excited...having a track is the key to motivation for me. Once it's ready, I can start playing around with mods again and have some fun!
- Trust me, yer still gonna wanna return lane. More fun for a 3 year old too, to send them back. — Nightstalker
- brought my track to a RI. Johnnies race, the kids tussled to stay in line to return the cars...they want involvement — model40fan
A bit more progress...screwed on the shelves and some paint. Tomorrow hopefully the last plank and then the hill. Went with a nice asphalt grey color since the walls in my basement are already yellow.
- ya know...yellow track would be pefect on that black road...looking good Brian — Traction-Event
- it videos better than blacktop too ! — model40fan
Looking Good!!
I've got my Freightliner cab stuffed with free wood to start my track idea whenever the boss lets me go home. ( I can't hardly move in here! )Should be soon. (BETTER BE SOON!!!!!.) I miss my HOME LIFE!! And I gots me some cars to build!!!!
Things are starting to take shape! Doing some prelim testing of angles and lengths. Overall, this track is shaping up to be a lot slower than the previous track. But I guess that's expected when you go from a 6-foot hill to a 4-foot hill...but I don't think I'll mind the "slower" racing. Although I'm guessing this track will really expose the slower cars...videos should look better too, less blur. So far I'm digging the shelfy-ness too, very convenient.
Now if I can just get my roll of track flat, we'll be in business...
And I'm not sure what this number wife found the speedometer on sale for $4 at Kroger. Kid loves it, at least.
- speed deteremined by the length of the car and it's speed... perfect for an "all use the same car" race... — model40fan
I'm thinking you should break that track in with one of the Rookie races...or you could host a Pony Race (after Smitty?)...what do you think, Brian?
- hmmm.... could be an efficient way to get the 32 PC cars and a multi lane Sloppy tranfer to Ohio... — model40fan
I feel like I still have quite a bit to do on the track before I would trust it to race true. And today my washer flooded my first floor and leaked into the basement ceiling, sooooo I gotta spend this weekend doing repairs and stuff. Not fun (nor cheap). But I'll definitely be hosting rookie races next month. And I already have some ideas for mail-ins that I'll be hosting...I'll be posting those soon since they'll be a few months out anyway.
Anyone have pros/cons to screwing track down?
I just got my seamless track unrolled and cut, thinking it would be good to countersink some screws to keep it down and straight. Worth it? Or should I not bother?
Chris is right, we use Velcro. I use it a home as we'll but I do have a few small screws in the track right now cause the Velcro hasn't stuck to good to the track. I have the stuff that comes in rolls from Walmart. If you do Velcro I suggest you talk to Jeremy & get the name of the place we just got new Velcro from. They're local to us but may sell on line. He'll remember how much it was a roll. It's a much better quality that the previous mentioned stuff. Nut as thick so it does a nice job keeping the track pretty flat on your wood.
Carpentry project will soon return racing to RLD headquarters...
But wait ! ... that looks almost the same as a daughter's.... " doll shelf".... you might have a little trouble keeping that project all to yourself !... or you may need to build another one a couple feet above it for ..."the girls".
... REDLINE DERBY RACING's first cheerleading squad ! ...