Build Journal: CPMS International Raceway and Proving Grounds

CPMS_Raceway Friday, 3/4/2022
CPMS International Raceway and Proving Grounds - We chose this name because the track is housed at Clark-Pleasant Middle School.
This project is being built in the back of my classroom. We have a recess period that we plan to utalize for racing and experimenting. Might even start an after school club. I teach sixth grade and am getting a ton of interest and help from my kiddos. I will post more photos as our build continues.
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Wow! Where did you get those three lane turns?
Clearly coolest six grade teacher of all time anywhere!
A few more photos of our progress..

That is so awesome you built that in your classroom for your students! Way to go!
I'd love to study there! What class is it, physics?
That is very awesome! I had a high schooler talk to me a few years back asking about how to start a club at his there's certainly some interest in the youth, thankfully. It's great they have a teacher than can sponsor such a club if you get that far. You can incorporate a TON of skills and professions into something like racing, from technical to electronic to marketing to construction, and even all the digital trends and things the kids are already into.
As your class and club evolve, please share as it can be a wonderful template for other schools and educators to see.
What do you use as the support boards?
What a great idea! and from a student perspective they can cover problem solving, physics, maths, electronics and so much more all from Hot Wheels racinga and track building. Wish i had that at my school when I was growing up :)
If you need cars for your classroom please send me an email