Couple of new projects in the works...
...haven't had much time for customs lately but started in on these guys.
For Smitty...altered gasser way 2 fast
Vega vs. Passin' Gasser
Aventador FTE...wheels look perfect with the orange...getting gutted and loaded with weight!
You can see my Ken Block Fiesta in the background...detampoed and FTE'd as well.
The Vega's rear wheelwells will get opening up so the back end sits down a little bit.
I have glass for it and the stacks will stick out a tad...wheelbase is perfect .
Thought you might like the Way-Altered...nice name! Have to figure out a way to mount the body but it fits nicely.
i use the semi hard foam that a football player with a broken hand is required to wrap his cast in...$3 - 24" x 24" x 1/2"... i cut it a bit big... glue inside the out all that might get seen with a magic marker.. or, i blacken blister pack strips as windows...
Great info Smitty...thanks!
Diggin' the Vega!
The Lambo should have come that way.
And a Swiss Army knife . . . too cool
I've had that knife since I was in third or fourth grade....been through alot together!
The little screwdriver end on the can opener is perfect for prying back the tabs that hold the wheels in place
Awesome bunch of cars!
I AM DIGGIN' THE "WAY-ALTERED"....gotta be heavy right out of the box... the vega body fits the passin' gasser base quite nicely, the flush stacks and hidden headers are perfect