Thanks to an anonymous donor we have some die-cast to give away as awards.
Top row: '68 Mustang*, Duece Roadster*, 3-Window '34 TH, '32 Ford Delivery TH
Middle row: Super Tuners (Sho-Stopper, MX48 Turbo, Muscle Tone), Cool Custom Set (2 '57 Nomads)
Bottom row: 1956 Ford*, At-a-tude*, '32 Sedan Delivery*
*Target Exclusives
So more participants get awarded here's how it's gonna work, there are nine give-aways that will all be sent out next Wednesday. One give-away per person. If you want to participate send me a PM (only PMs will be accepted) with a list of what you'd like (in order of preference) along with your mailing address by next Tuesday at 4pm. If there are more give-aways than PMs I will start over at the top of the finishing order until all are gone. So even if you finished last send in a list, ya' never know what might happen!