BRUM_and_HOWL_RACING Tuesday, 2/4/2025

I haven't seen this asked or really answered but do you still polish your FTE/NPA axles? I many not have searched well enough but figured I would ask anyways. Thx in advance...


Personally, I dont. I have once or twice and noticed no difference, plus you risk compromising the nickel plating if you polish too hard. A light polish shouldn't hurt though.

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Kingjester 2/4/25

When it comes to fte's I personally don't polish the axels, usually I simply sand the wheels and add some graphite 

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alva1370 2/4/25

Flitz is good stuff but pricey. $10-$12 for a small tube. Used to get a mirror finish on knife blades. You don't need a rotary tool just a soft cloth. 

  • Thx — BRUM_and_HOWL_RACING
  • I think this might be the same polish and the Blue Magic. They look and smell the same with the same consistency. The Blue Magic is $6-7 for a tub. — johnson9195
  • Just looked up Blue Magic, that stuff looks better than Flitz for axles. Thank you. — alva1370
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