Build journal: DRC Racing Rally Track

Hi all, This is our second article. Here are a few images and a Introduction of how we built our DRC Rally Racing Track.
We launched the YouTube channel on March13, 2020 which is DRC Racing. The main purpose of the channel was to organize 1:64 diecast car tournaments and we built rally tracks ourselves. This is a short story about it.
This track is completely made by us.
The cardboard boxes are used for the base slope of the track and pasted the cement bags on top of them. That shows the basic mountain shape. After getting the perfect shape we painted the mountains using primary color of gray. Placed the wood chips or dust into plastic bags to Spray the green color paint. Sprayed wood chips or dust left to dry in order to use them as grass. carefully decided where should grass be placed on the mountain.Then placed a layer of school glue in those places and put the grass on it. The mountain was ready.
Then pasted the cardboard or MDF strips on the mountain with hot glue, as the racing track. Cut the MDF wooden strap about one cm wide for the using as a side wall. Hot glue is not recommended for sticking. It is better to use white school glue. Even though it takes a long time to stick, the result is good. Sometimes, the hot glue leaks from side wall, it can cause accidents in cars.
It is important to note that this process is extremely difficult and tedious. It is quite difficult to make slops and bends in this method. But the end result is very satisfying.
We can learn a lot from Diamara YouTube channels as well.
So This is the short story of DRC!
At this moment we would like to thank everyone who was with us since this channel was started. Thank you very much for everyone those who helped and supported us in many different ways. Also this moment we need to thank a special person.
Short while after Knowing our youtube channel he publish a article about us to this site and he was promot to us through his YouTube channel. Also he encouraged and guided us constantly. He is Mr. Chaos Canyon! We saliut Mr. Chaos! (Chaos Canyon YouTube Channel)
Finally we invite you to visit our YouTube channel! Thank you very much!
This is our YouTube Channel link: (DRC Racing YouTube Channel)
Hopefully, these pictures will help you to get some idea.
MDF Wooden straps for the side wall
While maintaining
Behind the starting point is the main entrance of DRC Racing Haha.....
DRC Racing: (DRC Racing YouTube Channel)
I just love seeing all the activity and passion for the Sport of Diecast does me good...
...I've been in the Trenches for 3 years campaigning for the growth of this slice of wonderfulness...
...I truly appreciate the efforts by all and many for what's going on right now
...Peace and Speed
Thanks for sharing all those photos...great that you even thought to take shots throughout the entire build. It's something I usually intend to do but often forget once I'm in the middle of it.
It's good to see that the cardboard holds up and offers a good surface. Easy and available for everyone.
Great to read and see all of your photos on this wonderful track build. It shows that if you don't need to spend a huge amount of money to come up with a fantastic track. You have shown to everyone that if you are resourceful you can get materials from many sources to convert into a track. The track build is only one part but I also have to say that the races have been very exciting with very unpredictable outcomes. Even when you think there is an out right winner and suddenly they fail to cross the finish line and the other car comes through to take the win.
Please keep up the great work of inspiring people around the world and for positively promoting others to join the world of die cast racing.
- This is one of the most valuable responses I ever received. You have carefully studied the races and the track! I will try to continue to this in future. Thank you so much for giving such an nice and valuable response! its is really encouraging us! — Prasadh
- You are welcome Prasadh, but you are fully deserving of such high praise for the creation of your track and for your contribution to the die cast community. — Javajim
Amazing job man! congrats by channel! your style racing is funny! awesome!
This is a fantastic behind the scenes! Thank you for sharing and I am happy to help promote your channel.
Looking forward to seeing the new track in action too