Goat Hill is Open Season 1 has started
Dr. Dodge! Great 1st race video you put out today! Very nice job and that track is so unique and a cool new race theme!
Just watched. I love the camera angle! It makes it look so realistic.
Excellent job! Was very entertaining and awesome idea!
Good Evening all,
I've been trying to overcome the nerviousness of a voice over
(talking to a giant cucumber)
gettin' better, more comfy, and havin' fun
The track is amazing!! So much action in a small space
it can only be scored on vid review
hope y'all enjoy
- Another EXCELLENT production. You sound pretty comfortable in your voice overs - good job! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- Production is fine, you can start hosting whenever you’re ready. — alva1370
Race 4
one half way thru the season
(Mid Season Madness next episode)
- You’re full on hosting a race, I should have sent you an entry fee. — alva1370
- you are doing well, and this is a blast to do. I have learned 3 new software programs in this journey, so far — dr_dodge
- You're sounding pretty comfortable in the videos. Nice work! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
That angle is fantastic. Cant wait to be able to send some in for this killer raceway!
- I agree! I'll definitely send something as well — ManiacMotorsports
- gotta get thru this season, and get my rules finalized, then it's gonna be open season! — dr_dodge
- Any build tips for better performance Dr? Cheers, Merry Christmas — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- I'll put up a chart, — dr_dodge
- I did wheelbases, total weight, and f/r% for all of them before the race starts — dr_dodge
- this season was all about builders data, then the insanity really begins — dr_dodge
- Super! Thanks — CutRock_R_Marc_D
Good evening all,
Welcome to mid season madness, and an intro to the other track at the hill
in the words of "someone" "Lets party dude!"
- Good running! — ManiacMotorsports
- Great Show! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- something different, and thanks to Starcorp for the bandstand! — dr_dodge
- Some great rally action Dr. and great job on the video. — AbbyNormal
- Yay, Harry Hoon actually drove well today! I guess he prefers going down! Cheers — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- Getting some mileage out of that little buggy. Thanks Doc — alva1370
Good evening all,
For anyone interested, I am geting this format lined out.
I've got 3-5 weeks of racing to finish this season
my next race will be a "mail ins" will be optional,
It will be an officially posted race here. this is a heads up so people have time.
All teams will have to choose a RIO car out of a selection in the vid,
and then a max of 2 added cars, if you want to build.
You will get to chose what car is the primary, and after 2 races it can be swaped
(destructive compeition will use the stock car)
if you check the standings, here are the general specs for the trucks
I will do a vid at the end of the season with more details (winners/losers)
The return road will be part of the full series
All cars run every race all season. Ties are sorted at the end (finals)
A season will be 4 normal races, mid season, 4 normal races, final runs, and then tie breakers.
60 gram max. Offroad wheels. want to try rubber wheels go for it. (must be knobby, not slicks)
start your testing now
when I drop race 7, I'll drop a new race here
24 cars for the first race.
top 5 from this race season move to the next race season
- I will enter! So can I choose one and modify 2, correct? — ManiacMotorsports
- Any restrictions on castings? — ManiacMotorsports
- that is correct, teams will be able to swap cars every 2 races, that way if on car sucks, you are not stuck with it the whole season. no casting restrictions, but if it looks like a shark, you still have to make it look like a truck (racing stickers, pipes, engine etc. just like they do the crazy monster truck bodies — dr_dodge
- Great, thanks! — ManiacMotorsports
secornd half of the season has started
OutStanding! Am Itching to build a Hill Climber, Crazy_Canuck's Point system is a Sweet Porgram. you seem to have a points system along length of run. Top points for hitting up and over Crest of hill?