Gravitywerx Repave and New Lineup Procedure

Gravitywerx Sunday, 9/26/2010

To give the faster cars in the upcoming Old vs New event a chance on the unfriendly Gravitywerx circuit I had to do something to slow things down a bit. I couldn't lesson the grade because it is not adjustable (I wish it was). So I "repaved" the straight sections with something called "Plastigrip" which is used to insulate tool handles. It was supposed to be rubbery but feels like plain old paint. There's already a smooth line through it. A secondary purpose of it would be to snag sideways and inverted cars so that they don't cross the finish line ahead of the others. We shall see if it works. Also, instead of timed run to qualify for the first round, I decided to use a 6 foot, folding drag strip I've had for awhile to line up the cars by how far they roll past the finish line. The farthest sits on the pole, etc. The top five Raingutter cars will compete against 13 cars I bought this summer, two off the rack and the rest at yard sales. First round will be this week sometime.

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