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JDC442 5/12/11

Martin~ I'm a do-it-yourself kinda guy when I'm able, so the start gate is my design. Electronic finish lines are another story.
Jason~ I would love to find an electronic finish that wasn't too spendy

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redlinederby 5/12/11
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All I've wanted since I started racing is a nice, simple, affordable electronic finish line. Maybe they don't exist (though hopefully they will shortly) but the person that can make one for under $50 and have it work with my orange track will get my money.

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Bandeezee 5/13/11


That's a beautiful looking starting gate. I want a starting gate like that with a magnetic latch. When the magnetic latch separates I want it to tell the timer to start, then I want to finish line it give the timer and end signal for each lane. Now if I just knew how to throw all of that together, lol.

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