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Lightning Strikes Twice! - Truck Takeover

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Yup in for stock, maybe both 

KaptainK wants to race both classes.

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Flip81 1/19/25

I'll give it a shot

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FPD_Racing 1/19/25

Hey Craig. Think I might like to get into this one if I may.

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RayRaySugar 1/20/25

I'll get in for a mod if there's still room.

In for one mod if there's room!

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Uncle_Elvis 1/21/25

In for both.

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Mad_Mike 1/21/25

I can do 1 modified entry?

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Uncle_Elvis 1/21/25

Why no rubber wheels?

If someone thinks they have a real rider that can talk, let them speak. Thinking more about the stock rather than the mod

  • It's more of a recommendation than a mandate... We're taking all donations, so go for it! — CraigsterSr

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