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Dadvball 7/8/13

Any other way to access this? I don't have a google email account.

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model40fan 12/31/14

trying to find hotra's address... how does this work ?

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Traction-Event 12/31/14

Smitty, try this link...if not let me know and I'll send his addy to ya!

  • thanks TE, but it is a google drive ? won't let me in, and i am registered... — model40fan
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model40fan 12/31/14

hello BRIAN, can you set us up with something we can easily use ?... without GOOGLE... I have ASK...

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redlinederby 12/31/14
Site manager

Well, this is kind of tricky. If we want an address book that isn't just out right public and in the open, but don't want to use Google or any other service that requires another signup, I'll have to make a spreadsheet local to this site. That means only members would see to the address, not site guests. 

Option A: I'd have to create some sort of member directory, probably a link from your account page. That page would list all members along with any address information they have selected to share on their profile. The downside to this approach is that I have to build it into the site. It's not difficult or particularly time-intensive, but it's not instant. 

Option B: The "I need it now" option is to use Google as before but not require a login to see the spreadsheet, meaning anyone could see it, even guests. It kind of depends how private people are with their mailing address. But, we're all adults here, so I can create a public Google spreadsheet and if people want to use it, they can. If they don't feel comfortable putting their address up, then they don't. 

Option A is members-only, Option B is as public as the yellow pages.

Thoughts...preferences...other suggestions? 

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Traction-Event 12/31/14

How about if your post count is say...over 100 this database is button appears after 100 posts? Spammers usually don't hang around that long.  

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redlinederby 12/31/14
Site manager

That's a good idea...even in general to qualify members for various features. I think the quota would have to be pretty low, though, like 1-3...we don't want to discourage new people too much. Plus you have to post to declare your entry anyway. And while this site has hundreds of registered users, majority of them never post, some don't even login more than once.

Another option would having members vouch for each other would be best. So if I want to see the list, I have to ask someone (anyone) and they can declare that person worthy.

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