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Managing mail-in tournament dates

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Jobe 4/4/12

It's all about having fun...and we're all in the middle of it!

I wish we could get more people involved as it's tons of fun.

My local scene has died down quite a bit and I don't have time to promote it right now, so I'm living vicariously through the racing here and the mail in races.


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Gravitywerx 4/4/12

Once I get enough enough contestants, Gravitywerx will be racing every week, 9 months out of the year. Racing will be happening on off-weeks and in between drag and fantasy series. No waiting! No need for weekly shipping, building (unless you think you can build something better than stock). Cars accumulate points down to last place. Turds can be replaced in plenty of time to contest for championship. A slow car can win here! Gravitywerx: 4513 Feldspar Rd. Middletown MD 21769

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