Metal Machines can be fast
Interesting thread. Here's my scattered thoughts on Zurus and things related:
1. I love plastic bodies. Like Doc said, lower cg. Easier to do "body work". And I find them super easy to drill and install screws in. Especially compared to the skinny metal posts. I'll happily drill ten plastic bodies for anyone willing to do five of my metal ones.
2. In theory thinner axles are faster. In theory bigger wheels have a higher top speed and smaller ones have better acceleration. In theory heavier is better. In theory fixed axles reduce friction and thus should be faster. In practice, especially on open track, there are so many variables that these theories don't always matter.
3. My problem with Zurus is the way that the axles are (or aren't) secured in the car. Often the only contact point is so close to the wheel that I'm afraid to try gluing. Finding tubes that fit the Zuru axles will mitigate this slightly but I haven't even tried doing the research yet. Doc's measurements should help with that. Thanks Doc.
4. I haven't tried other strippers, but do not put plastic bodies in Citrus Strip. They melt. The best way that I have found to remove tampos, chrome, and/or paint from plastic bodies is to soak them in oven cleaner. This can take anywhere from five seconds to three days but (surprisingly) does not harm the plastic.
- nice tip on the oven cleaner. cheap oven cleaner is usually lye. (caustic soda) I keep it in dry form as drain cleaner. I have have to do an experiment or 3 using the lye — dr_dodge
- I have used denatured alcohol to remove the graphics from plastic bodies, as well and brake cleaner. — johnson9195
I have a soft spot for ZURUs. My favorite castings are CutRock'r's and the one RaSungod and Dr. Dodge sent to GTR. I know them as Flair and Cadet, but they have different names! And yes some are fast.
Zuru wheels on the Flash!
Problem is, the Zurus are generally not built from production car models, so they are mostly considered fantasy cars and get sidelined. That did not stop me from ripping several apart for the wheels, however ......