Mobster Modified Classic HW vs MBX

Saturday, April 5th, 2025
Hosted by ElevationDiecastRacing
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ElevationDiecastRac1ng Sunday, 2/2/2025

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Hotwheels vs Matchbox stock class 41-50.99g class. One of each brand for the stock portion of the race. Then, get your gangster ride ready! It's time to showcase the bad boys of Modified Diecast "Mob" cars. Great Gatspeed..JL James Stewart Virtigo..Classic Packard..31 Doozie..36 Bugatti..35 Cadillac..FF40..73 Custom Eldorado..Hi Roller 2...Character Cars 2Face..Joker...Snoke...Cruella DeVille Cadillac...70s Auto World Lincoln....70g limit with 0.99 pertruding start's ok....if you have another car suggestion...send me a pic....more is good if it fits the bill.

Rules & restrictions

  • Stock and modified entries allowed
  • 50.99g maximum weight
  • 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
  • Limit 2 entries per household
  • Retail axles and wheels only. FTE/NPA axles allowed.
  • Don't Soul Glow on my track lol
  • One HW stock. One Matchbox stock...up to 2 mods per household 70g limit.....please include $5 each car entry and $10 domestic shipping if you want your entries back. Please send what it cost you to send from across the pond.

Dates & deadlines

All entries must be received by the host before Saturday, 3/29/2025. Racing is scheduled for Saturday, 4/5/2025. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.

How to enter

Send your entries to:
808 22nd St SW
Loveland CO 80537

Include at least $10.00 for return shipping if you want your entries back. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.

Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry


Racing will be on the MileHighRaceway. View track profile and specs

Race format and scoring

This will be a single-elimination tournament. A car will move on in the bracket only when the fastest time after lane swap Cars will alternate lanes between each race.

The car that wins the final race will be declared the winner. Winner determined by fastest time after lane swap. Race host has final decision in all races.

Bracket seeding will be random.


Stock Cars are given a grace of NO grace over the stated weight limit. 50.99 is the limit. Modified limit is 70g with .99 grace.

If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for victory. Offending cars will still race. Finish position and any prize will go to the runner-up in the case of the penalty car winning.

Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. Cars that break during racing will not be repaired or replaced.


Trophy for 1st place stock and for modified winner as well as a prize pack


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In, please ;-))

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Scoupe 2/2/25


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RayRaySugar 2/2/25

I will definitely get in the modified race and if I find a couple of fast stocks before then I could send those as well if that's allowable.

I'm in for this one. The kid want in as well. Will be one of each for both of us. 

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MarcRacel 2/2/25

I'm in 

Im in 

I'm in for both!

No Johnny lightning mob. Cars?

In!!! - Clay One31 & Maverick One31 !!

and im sure Cyle will be in on this one as well

In! Already sent the stock Matchbox & stock Hotwheels.    Now in for 1 modified Gangster Hotwheels if you will accept this Fat Fendered Ford...?   This car was literally built with running boards for a gangster to stand on holding the "A" pillar with one hand and a TOMMY GUN with the other...!........?

I'll be there 

I'm definitely in for the stock class! For the Mod class I have to go through my bins to find one! 

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RLoRacing 2/2/25

In for stocks and 1 mod 

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