Number of races?

Just out of curiosity.... how many races does everyone have?
I'm guessing it should be twelve since we've had four races.
just checking. last week, my boy and I were ranked 4th and 5th. I thought his record was 7/2 and mine was 6/3. After this weeks races, I have gone to 8/4 but his has changed to 10/3. I didn't know if you had recounted some older races or if it was just an error. It's not a really big deal, I was just curious what the situation was.
Either way he is sitting in 2nd place and I am proud as hell!!!
Yes, but I think he may be questioning because of his record. I know my record is 6-7 (13 races).
There is a chance of more than 12 races because of the Odd Man possibility.
In cases where there is (was) an odd number of players, the odd man out will race against cars that had lost previously in the day. So your car might run in a schedule match-up and then again if it is selected to race against the Odd Man.
I know this has happened at least once...I'd have to go back and check for sure on the dates.
But it is possible to have more than 12 races. My bad, I totally forgot about the Odd Man factor.
That is correct, people that have been playing since the first race should have 12 individual races under their belt. However, keep in mind that the cars are picked at random and swapped, so I doubt there will be any one car that has raced 12 races.