Possum Hollar drag strip

I'm new to the forum..Proud to find some like minded folks!Thought I would share a few pictures of my tracks.Nothing special but fun.I've done the slots,trains and all.It just got to were it wasn't fun any more.Decided to go back to the basics and have some fun.I was 8 in 68 when Hot Wheels came out..Still fast and still fun!We have the gravity strip and a launcher track..Just picked up a cool finish line from wally world for about $15 bucks shipped to store.Works great and seems to be accurate.And on the plus sign you don't have to reset it.On the other lane I'm using a modded Auto World finish gate.
Thanks for the cool Friendly site guys..
very cool, they are $18.40 free shipping on ebay... 20 available ... I think these are winners.
Welcome aboard Rusty, I love the stuff in the background!
Welcome to Redline Derby, glad you found us. And another wall-shelf track...very cool! How long is your track total?
Thanks for sharing the photos and hope you share more racing stories as you get back into the hobby.
And thanks for taking a picture of that finish line playset...for $20 that could be a easy win for everyone around here. Nothing fancy but an alternative to Mattel or building your own with some lights. Might have to check that out for a review.
Found this link for that Max Traxx finish gate...list is $13 and shipping was only $4 flat via UPS, so out the door for under $20. At that price it's worth a try.
Great set up, welcome to racing!!!
Hey Thanks Guys!!
Went the shelf route to help the ol' back and knees..
The shelf is just a tad under 23 feet..
The Max Traxx finish gate seems to be ideal for a simple finish line..Plus it comes with a battery already installed.It is set up for one way racing though.Which is really no problem.I have the auto world finish line gravity track set up with some dense foam stop.It will sometimes shoot the cars back to you..
Thanks again folks.I look forward to some fun racing and learning .
Rusty, my boys and I thank you for the cars!!! I sent a grab bag of FTE cars/axles to Rusty, (hope a few fast ones) to get him started in racing. He responded with this... very cool indeed. As a side note, the gold F-40...you shoulda kept that one...known fast casting. My boys are already staking claims to these, thanks for sending an even number...woulda bee a fight....lol... Thank you again!
hey Buddy,glad you liked the stuff.Just found your post..
Hope you and the boys have some big time fun!!
thanks again for all of the goodies you sent me.Just starting to mod and so far I've slowed down a car or two..;<)
The set up looks really good. Welcome its good to have you aboard!
Looks good, Rusty! Welcome to the site!
There's lots of info here...and quite a bit of good racing! It you have any questions about the racing or modding your cars, please feel free to ask!