Season 12 Teams, captains claim your spots

redlinederby Saturday, 2/23/2013
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Since SeattleGreyy is MIA, I'll be interim team coordinator until he decides to return to the game. That being said, there is one big change with teams this year - it's now a part of the game!

Rather than team scores and stats being tracked here in the forums, they will be seen and handled inside the Fantasy League game along with the individual scores and standings. There will also be new achievements for team captains, players and for the championship team as well. With a little luck, giving the teams this exposure will make them more interesting and competitive.

So, first things captains, please identify yourselves!

There are still 8 teams so there will need to be 8 captains, no "computer" captains now. If you claim your captain position prior to the season, captains will be determined by career rankings.

Following the game update, captains will be able to manage their teams through the dashboard, requesting trades that must be approved by the commissioner (me for now).

In a way this is a reboot for the teams concept and game. None of the previous season's team stats will be carried over since that all existed solely within the forum. So this is a chance to leave your mark and lead your team to a championship.

Please post with any questions or comments.


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WorpeX 2/23/13


Give me a team please!!!!!!

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redlinederby 2/23/13
Site manager

Were you a captain last year, Worpex?

To all others, if you were a captain last year please also note which team you lead. I'll make sure you get the same team.

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WorpeX 2/23/13

Yes I was, Team Firebirds!

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Mcjiggles9 2/23/13

Captain of the Studebaker Larks, reporting for duty

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FOTF 2/26/13

Can I have a team? Of course, I've...never been a captain before, and I've...only played for a few weeks--the last weeks of last season. But I can give my team a really good name!

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WorpeX 2/27/13

Where are all the Captains? We need more!!!! 3 so far... I think Brian had a team also so we have 4 now?

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redlinederby 2/27/13
Site manager

Yes, I did have the Ramblers.

@FOTF - You're now a captain! Don't know what team you'll manage yet, I want to see if more previous captains claim any. But I'll assign you one soon and let you know. Being a captain is pretty easy - just select players you think will do well.

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EconoCarl 2/27/13

Hey Brian, if nobody steps up from the all-mighty Team Javelins I will try to fill the shoes of our previous Captain.

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JDC442 2/27/13

Hey Brian, if nobody steps up from the all-mighty Team Javelins I will try to fill the shoes of our previous Captain.

If Carl's going to be the captain, I want to be on his team! Go Javelins!!!

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redlinederby 2/28/13
Site manager

I'm going to try and retain the rosters from last season to avoid the chaos of open recruiting. However, all team captains will be able to drop/add players as they see fit after everything is setup. Trades will have to be approved by the commish (me). I'll be posting some other rules here shortly after I update the game, hopefully this weekend. Nothing too serious, just a few things to cover the changes.

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FOTF 2/28/13

Yes, I did have the Ramblers.

@FOTF - You're now a captain! Don't know what team you'll manage yet, I want to see if more previous captains claim any. But I'll assign you one soon and let you know. Being a captain is pretty easy - just select players you think will do well.

COOL! Thanks, Brian!
Can I lead Team Fastest of the Fastest? Or is it actual car names that are used?

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EconoCarl 2/28/13

Can I lead Team Fastest of the Fastest? Or is it actual car names that are used?

Looks like a history lesson is in order!

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