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SpectraFlame Tournament (FULL)
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to pull outta this one, I don't have any spectraflame cars, and I'm too lazy to make my own
- Im new to this, all i did for my spectra flame was separate car, strip paint, chrome spray paint and a few layers of candy. Done within an hour. Ok, no detail but possible… obviously i dont know your time constraints. — RalphsRacers
I didnt think they were spectra but supposedly they are
Due to massive hurricane damage and no postal service, I have no clue if mine will arrive.
- All the best to you. — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- No worries! The big question is, are you ok?!?! — epvideos_diecast_racing
- Yeah, all good. Just waiting on electricity and for all the roads to get cleared — Uncle_Elvis
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