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T-Day Thanks

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Stroller 11/28/13

Gobble Gobble Gobble!

Saw about a dozen in Spokane and it has more than 250000 people. I am thinking they may been escapees from a local turkey farm they were kind of plump for wild turkeys....

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GspeedR 11/28/13

'ers!! I'm very thankful to have spent the day with my daughters & family. I sincerely hope the true meaning of this day remains with everyone throughout the holiday season.


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model40fan 11/28/13

wild turkeys had been hunted to near extinction here in Maine... they eat 186 species of plants and insects... they were
re-introduced to Maine in the '70s or '80s...they thrive here... we have a turkey hunting season...but most get away !

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Preacher 11/29/13

I'm thankful for God loving each of us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son, so that I could be saved, forgiven, and brought into a relationship with Him. Am also thankful for having a Mom & Dad, be raised in the good ole U.S.A., and proud of the red white and blue and the freedoms we all enjoy. I am blessed beyond measure, I am blessed with more than I deserve. I have a good home to live in, with plenty of food to eat, clean water to drink, a place to take a bath, with 2 indoor toilets that flush. Too many electronic devices, and toys to count, a loving wife who has been by my side for 29 years. And three wonderful, (but not perfect) children, who have taught me many lessons about myself, that I would have otherwise never learned. It's great being alive, having your heath, and mental sanity to communicate like this and be apart of a community of Hot Wheels Racers. Thanks for starting this post.


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KandORacing 11/29/13

I'm thankful for God loving each of us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son, so that I could be saved, forgiven, and brought into a relationship with Him. Am also thankful for having a Mom & Dad, be raised in the good ole U.S.A., and proud of the red white and blue and the freedoms we all enjoy. I am blessed beyond measure, I am blessed with more than I deserve. I have a good home to live in, with plenty of food to eat, clean water to drink, a place to take a bath, with 2 indoor toilets that flush. Too many electronic devices, and toys to count, a loving wife who has been by my side for 29 years. And three wonderful, (but not perfect) children, who have taught me many lessons about myself, that I would have otherwise never learned. It's great being alive, having your heath, and mental sanity to communicate like this and be apart of a community of Hot Wheels Racers. Thanks for starting this post.


Couldn't have said it better!

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Stroller 11/29/13

Like I said in the first post at the top of this page, Eilene and I were going to go have some Chinese yesterday. After Christmas shopping for 4 hours and having worked at the Café the day before and being freaking old we were just too tired to go out so we came home and had chili from the freezer and watched a couple Christmas specials. Our real Thanksgiving is on Sunday like I said when our daughters family comes from cross the state. And still being with Clayfeat and only having chili, it was still a good Thanksgiving...............the little things in life matter guys. Don't think otherwise guys...........Stroller and Clayfeat....

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