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The Great Sand Dunes Showdown [Now Closed]

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Hey Mark. I would like a spot if it's still possible. As for the 20$US, how can I send it to you? Paypal?

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LobotomyScam 8/30/24

I need to enter this race. A million trucks waiting to be tested.

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dr_dodge 8/31/24

is this a reasonable entry?
or do I need to put a different body on my chassis?

try to make a zuru do reasonable

wheels are wider than the min


Am I still able to join?

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AbbyNormal 9/3/24

Current contenders on the work bench. More testing is needed  - i'm kind of a Ford F150 guy, but I love the orange hugger stripes on the Chevy truck. The white/purple sand buggy is my long-shot alternate plan B. The Chevy truck is the most promising so far .... we'll see by weeks end.

407DiecastKings in the shop getting ready to ship we making a comeback...

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JBlotner42 9/5/24

On of these 3 will be in.

  • Always nice paint and graphics work on your cars! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
  • Thank you! Josh at Rustbelt Customs does a great job onthe prints. — JBlotner42
  • Sometimes its hard to choose - that is an awesome track setup — AbbyNormal
  • So I will be running the Bronco and my Boss is sponsering the Sand Burner. — JBlotner42

Prepping for the trip!!

Should be at the track already.

Loading up for the great dunes of Kansas. Oh! Wait! There actually is dunes in Kansas.. 

I'm going with stock suspension this time as the track is unknown, and I overcooked it at the Braggin' Wagons.

  • Nice paintjob! By the way i know making the suspension to soft for shavanoomountan… not the best idea ;) — Schottys_diecast
  • Cool! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
  • Stock suspension, smart move IMO. I love the paint scheme. Try to get it over 60g at least. — GravityThrottleRacing
  • Sweet job — G_ForceRacing
  • Wow, Nice paint! Do we do a battle of the Burners???? — JBlotner42
  • Thank you guys, it is appreciated! The details of the car is painted, but the designs and markings are all decals. Are there a lot of Sand Burners coming? I've mostly seen Jeeps and one burner under consideration. — Justin_Thyme
  • Terrific! — ManiacMotorsports
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AlansCustoms 9/10/24

Hey Guys

Please add me to this awsome event.

Alans Customs

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MarcRacel 9/11/24

Count me in 

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