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Tiger Wheels

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GspeedR 12/28/14

Tiger Wheels used several different wheel types during their limited production. The early cars(including the FCs) used a hard plastic wheel that resembles a HW 5SP, but with thinner spokes. These wheels have a small raised ridge on the inner edge of the wheel, similar to some JL wheels. They fit on the axles with a very close tolerance so there's very little 'play' when they're spinning. With some graphite, these wheels spin as smooth as vintage redlines. I'm so impressed with them that I ordered 2 more non-FCs with these early production VW Bus and `70 Chevelle.  I've also read good things about TW's later production racing wheels. But, as Traction-Event mentioned, the prices of some of those cars are in the stratosphere.

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KandORacing 12/28/14

From what I've heard almost all of them are terrible at the clubs on the east coast.... very few of them ever seem to be fast. With the low success rate that most have with them I won't be investing in any for quite some time most likely. Keep us posted though GSpeedR.

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