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Track Time

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Great story, welcome to the middle aged nerd club! Check out my channel sometime, Chase Family Racing on youtube. I run stock and mods down my 2 lane track and host mail in races. My track is a good one for beginners and I am always open to having cars sent to me for testing. I would film it and send them back. 

Check out Scale Racing Channel. He has a video about "how to make a 60g modified car" that was very helpful to me. 

  • Chase, Thanks for the reply and offer.. I have watched alot of your cars running in different races, You & NumbSkull are my Favorite racers.. RLO and Crazy Canuk are up there as well... — Desert_Rat_Diecast

Update - I placed an order for starting gate & timer from JLH and the wait is going to kill me but it gives me time to start collecting the wood to build the base for track..

Going with a 2 lane drag race for this first build. Want to get my feet wet as I fell in love with the drag racing first... So much to read & take in..

Ill post pics when the build starts and progress pics so there will be a before, during and after build look.. Slowly purchasing cars in pairs and some in more if I like the style.. 

Off to research the drop & transistion I want to have .. My track will be a 24' from gate to timer with a 2' extention into the  padded stop box.. Im trying Not to to do sudden stops at the end of the race and seen a few good ideas I want to try out.

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