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Will you be the next King of the Mountain? TOURNAMENT FULL

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WallyChamp73 9/22/23

New Jersey Drive Racing would like to participate?   Is it too late?

  • I'm only 14mths late answering this. I'm such a noob. My sincerest apologies. Glad you made the next one! — Bathurst_Diecast_Racing
  • LOL No worries. Thanks! — WallyChamp73

409 Diecast racing will race 

  • I'm only 14mths late answering this. I'm such a noob. My sincerest apologies. So glad you made the next one! — Bathurst_Diecast_Racing
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Numbskull 10/3/23

On the way.  A couple of new builds and some re-works. 80 80 100 105 114

I really sorry but I don't have the cars ready. I hope it's not an inconvenience for you if I pull out. 

  • I'm only 14mths late answering this. I'm such a noob. My sincerest apologies. We've just announced an new Teams Tournament if your still keen. — Bathurst_Diecast_Racing

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