Industry Ridge
- Style: Road course
- Total length: 30.25 ft.
- Lanes: 2
- Built by: Danger_Zone_Diecast
Industry Ridge is a track project my son and I came up with.
After spraling all over our living room we finally decided to set aside a dedicated space. We have limited open area in our townhouse so we went with a 4x8 footprint in the garage.
With a cardboard box base the track is a multilevel banked open road course with the initial stage being single lane drag style. It uses Hotwheels Orange Track, Crash Racers open lane grey track and turns and a Slanman customs starting gate.
With its several banked curves and straight sections It is 363.5 inches or just over 30 feet.
Still in the build phase more additions could be forthcoming.
Eventually it will have an industrial themed diorama and a quarry feel to it.
Racing up to 8 cars it will have a points based scoring system.