Axles on metal frames.

Stroller Friday, 11/15/2013

How do you get the axles off of a metal frame that doesn't have tabs to unfold. They seem to be held in place by pieces of metal pinched together. I've only been able to get one axle removed from a metal frame but I wrecked the frame doing it....


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Milton-Fox 11/15/13

I have that situation with my RRR build one car. It already has a set of small 5 Spokes up front, but my thoughts are to use a cutting disc on my dremal or a pair of side cutters to nip off the top of the tab(s).

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Traction-Event 11/16/13

A pocket screwdriver between two of the tabs, then twist....then the other side. Usually they will bend or snap off. Make sense?

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model40fan 11/16/13

if you are not re-using the metal base's axles then pre-heat the "prongs with a candle, they will soften and bend easier with a pocket screw driver...
now the black wall - basic wheel cars have a more massive set up, 2 large blocks instead of 3 small prongs... they don't pry very well, [can't get the driver's blade between the blocks], I snip the axles with dykes, pull the axles out, re-slot, [cut through the blocks], with a hacksaw, drill a 1/16" hole and JB.RIVET the axles in...

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