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Build journal: Lakeridge Heights

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dr_dodge 2/17/24

905 has raised the bar, for sure!

great track, productions, and story telling

keep it up my friend!


  • That’s part of the fun! Thanks for the support! I enjoy this more than I ever thought I could — Crazy_Canuck
  • lol, this community helped me make the decision to retire — dr_dodge

Looks like you can't have any super glue on all of that styrofoam. Aw, man.

  • The cool think about styrofoam is that it melts in a very organic way…so you can create very dramatic scenes if you wish…I just basically chopped away at it with my hands to create the shapes…but I’ve picked up some fake snow in a can that I’m going to spray on when I’ve got he time — Crazy_Canuck

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