Build journal: Lakeridge Heights
Welcome to Lakeridge Heights 1/64 Diecast Racing at 905Diecast.
The channel started when I proudly hosted leg 3 of the Frozen4Banger 2022 in the cold wilds of my front yard. That was a snow race outdoors and relied on the weather to cooperate. (Thankfully it did). That experience however started me planning on how I could create more possible tracks to add to the channel. Since the snow track eventually melts, the next track(s) would have to be somewhere a little less dependent/subject to Mother Nature. My garage became the likely candidate in terms of usable space. I had set out to make an open lane switchback track that would hug the garage wall and allow me to test my builds before I send them out for competition. That idea was dashed when I realized I didn’t have the clearance for the crash racers corners as they came too far out from the wall and the track would not be able to be parallel with the wall. (which was the intention). I still need to store a car in the garage come winter. The new plan was to create 2 different simple 2D-scroller tracks that wouldn’t impact each other but still allow me to use the space in the garage to store my car. I already knew I wanted a drag track, but I also had plans to create an off-road course that I could use as a backup track for the F4B. That’s what I started with, and 3 tracks will be what I move forward with. So far the wall tracks are coming along and taking shape, but there is still a long way to go. Look for more updates coming from “The Heights” and 905Diecast as construction continues. Hope to be up and running in 2023.
Now that I had the drag track in place (details and diorama will be added later) I could get to planning the off road track.
the shelf the off road track sits on will allow me to anchor lights...cameras...other diorama pieces to help enhance the drag track.
The off road track so far:
im calling it "Elevation Pass". It will have a snow theme to it that I can play around with and adjust for different events. This isn't going to be a relatively fast track as the point is to allow big wheeled off road vehicles the opportunity to drag race down somewhat of an obstacle course. Tuning this track is going to take patience and creativity as I intend to make it checkpoint based as opposed to timed.
That looks great, man! Great idea having a lower and upper track, wish I had thought of that. Can't wait to see how this evolves and expands.
- Cheers dude…in all honesty…I couldn’t have done it without this site…so, thank you! — Crazy_Canuck
This would work great for building a monster truck track which I've been thinking about. Great idea.
- Lots of cool monster truck stuff out there…if you haven’t already, check out Flat Rabbit…they have some truly inspiring videos — Crazy_Canuck
update on "Elevation Ridge"
it's starting to look like a ski hill now.
and I've added a water feature...only this will be a frozen pond the cars have to cross to finish...the plan is to seal it so I can add a small amount of water to it...we will see if that pans out...
All the white foam I've kept from various sources...but ikea foam is awesome...I will be shaping the banks to be more snow like, and installing guard rails to hopefully keep cars pointed in the right direction on the way down.
LED's are in on the near side facing away from the chase cam...looks good to me!
starting to shape the foam...lots of prop snow after I'm done...
Filling in some of the scenery and background... also making more prop snow
Looking great. You are a true Styromaniac!
- Takes me back to my Industrial Design days…I’ve been wanting to sink my teeth into a project like this for a while. I’ve got time now that the kiddos are back in class — Crazy_Canuck
If you plan on making a track that runs back and forth around the entire garage, but still allows enough room to keep a car in there, I would suggest taking a look at the Meal Ticket Raceway layout. The track follows the wall in a U shape, back and forth, and is six lanes of pure racing action! (I've raced on it once and actually won my first time out - woohoo!)
- I’ve raced at MTR as well…he truly has an enviable space…and I’m glad to see he has rebuilt from the disaster that happened a while back…if I had the available space he does it would be a no brainer to build a track like that…but ya gotta play with what ya got…know what I mean? — Crazy_Canuck
I'm diggin this! Lots of great ideas coming together. My grandkids asked for a track they can race their monster trucks on and have been thinking about what I could build for em. Great work
- I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from all the community round here…it’s easy to get excited when you see everyone’s creativity…cheers bud! — Crazy_Canuck
The drag track so far:
the foundation is there...I decided to go for as much open lane as I could...and I wanted it to be as flat as possible with less emphasis put on the drop from the gate...I also stiffened up the crash racers track with the blue connectors as the track segments were a bit bowed which tended to make the test cars run to the outsides of the track.