Chasing SPEED!!!!!!

Preacher Wednesday, 12/5/2012

Ever since I got into racing these little cars, I find myself on a continual hunt for cars with SPEED! I'm always looking at wheel cutouts, metal bottoms, rolling resistance etc. It isn't so much about "Isn't that a cool car", but "I wonder if it is FAST!". Is it just me, or has anyone else here been bitten by this bug of SPEED?



I sure I look at them differently than I did before I was racing them. I'm also always looking for parts... engines, wheels ect...

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redlinederby 12/5/12
Site manager

I shop enitrely different since I've been racing. I don't even loo for variants anymore...I don't have enough space! I used to just buy cars I liked but now it's just cars I don't have but that I want to see race. It's a curse, careful.

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WorpeX 12/5/12

I shop enitrely different since I've been racing. I don't even loo for variants anymore...I don't have enough space! I used to just buy cars I liked but now it's just cars I don't have but that I want to see race. It's a curse, careful.

Haha, I do that to but now I put extra priority on the cars in the Redline Derby. I've bought so many cars how that i'd never have bought before if they weren't in the fantasy league!

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Dadvball 12/5/12

I just started too and now I check the bases, type of wheels and axle lengths in case I need them for a swap. I've only built 3 cars so far, working on another two, and will need 5 more very soon. The racing bug has me looking at them differently as well.
Also just finished putting together a temporary 20 ft. track to test the cars in my basic collection trying to become a llittle more competetive with the Lincoln Johnny Lightning Race Club guys.

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redlinederby 12/6/12
Site manager

Haha, I do that to but now I put extra priority on the cars in the Redline Derby. I've bought so many cars how that i'd never have bought before if they weren't in the fantasy league!

You and me both! Without the need for racing, I wouldn't even come close to buying Skullcrusher "fantasy" type cars. Prior to racing my collection was all muscle cars and exotics...personal taste I have to think about what will be fast and interesting for the game.

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Milton-Fox 10/22/13

I too have started chasing speed!!!! After studying the web site and the RLD standings I have changed my shopping habits. Even at the last 1:1 car show I went to - I was visualizing how those cars and their wheels would perform on the gravity track layouts!

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model40fan 10/22/13

go milt go !

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