Monday, April 1st, 2024
SO, I retired, I got bored and went back to work! But I still want to have a race for folks & kids not wanting to modify cars. So this is Rip N Race 2024!
I’ve noticed there are not many “stock” races anymore. I strongly believe that this genre must be cultivated so I have decided to continue the “Rip N Race” Rally. This will require you to mail me cars that are “stock” only! They can be loose, but never lubed or modified in any way. You may add a number or team sticker but that is it. Please cut the cards down for cheaper mailing. Don’t send me loose cars that have been lubed. I’ve been at this long enough to know the difference. (I will not send them back and keep them). I will publish a participating team video and then the brackets before each race. Then I plan on completing a race every 6 weeks. So all should be done by Thanksgiving. There will be an overall winner that is determined by the accumulated points of all 5 events. They in addition to any other castings they may win in races they will win a special edition Hot Wheel in protector pack.
We will use specific, easy to find castings to make it easy for the kiddos to find. You may send less than the 5 castings but you will be in fewer races. The castings are:
Any Ford Pick Up
Any Porsche
Any Corvette
Anyone and ONLY 1 of the 4 Hot Wheels Tuned Muscle Cars pictured here:
The Camaro, Mustang, Charger or the GTO! There are dozens of choices of these.
The Tuned Muscle castings must be the Hot Wheels castings shown above. The other castings may be JL, MB and the scale of Hot Wheels. But remember the castings are a prize for the event winner.....
I also need $5 per household entry. Each entry will have a Team Sponsor, Driver, & Team Home. Such as (RNR Racing, Rhett R., Shelbyville, TN)
Only 1 team per driver. I will fill in any areas that you may leave blank. The tracks will vary from the ¼ & ½ mile, Tri-Oval & Road Course. Points will be calculated by your finishing place. Points will be earned per event. The winner of each event will win all the castings of that event plus a special casting Big Poppy Racing will include. So the winner of the Ford Pick Up Event will win all the racing participants, plus an extra casting.
Event videos will be posted as soon as I can get them raced and edited. I want this to be for newbies but I won’t deny entries from veterans, as you can guess I’m trying to get new racers started.
I need the cars by Sunday March 31, 2024. Message me here or email me at for mailing address or if you have any questions. Please enclose your team & driver info, return address, email. I’ll get the city/state from your return address unless you want a different one. I will be starting a group on IM called Rip N Race Rally. If you want to join that just let me know you ID.?I will post on this message to let you know that I have received your entries. Good luck and good racing!
Rules & restrictions
- Stock entries only
- 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
- EXCEPTION FOR JEEPS, they may be wider
- Limit 1 TEAM PER PERSON, 4 team entries per household. (5 cars per team)
- Retail axles and wheels only. FTE/NPA axles allowed if on specified make & models.
- Cars can be loose so you can test run them, but NO modifications except for applying numbers or team logos.
Dates & deadlines
All entries must be received by the host before Sunday March 31, 2024. Racing will then start mid April and they every 6 weeks or so. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.
How to enter
Contact the tournament host to get the shipping address for entry.
Include at least $5.00 for return shipping if you want your entries back. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.
Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry
Tracks will consist of Hot Wheels Fat Track, Orange track, & Adventure Force Gray track. Here’s the skinny on the track type for each race.
Ford Pick Up. 1/2 mile from 2 lane onto Fat Track for finish line.
Porsche. Trans Am style layout
Corvette. Trans Am style layout
Jeep. Fat Track misc course
Tuned Muscle Cars, 1/4 mile 2 lane drag strip
Race format and scoring
This will be a double-elimination tournament. A car will move on in the winners bracket only when it wins two races in a row. Cars that lose will be placed in a losers bracket and race for the chance to race the winner again.
The car that wins the final race will be declared the winner. Race host has final decision in all races.
Bracket seeding will be random.
Cars must be declared by manufacturer as the make and model racing. No generic look alikes.
If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for race. Offending cars will not be returned but sent to the winner of that race.
Every effort will be made to make each track passable by all castings. However if your casting cannot navigate track corners, jumps or any other part of the course it will ruled DNF ( Did Not Finish) and not allowed to continue. Be advised look above and see what castings are racing on what type of courses and pick proper competitors.
Castings from the race you win & overall winner will win additional Collectors Edition casting.
I'll send in 4
- 4 teams or 4 cars? — Big_Poppy
- 4 cars — PuffsRacing
- That’s fine, just making sure you see there are 5 entries you can make… — Big_Poppy
- Puff you can have all 5 entries. The limit is on teams in a home with more than 1 racer. — Big_Poppy
- Oh ok I got you now lol. 1 team for me. I smoke too much weed!!! — PuffsRacing
- What's up my friend. I need your address to send out the vehicle s. — PuffsRacing
That width dimension (1.25) is basically orange track width, yes?
- Yes, although the courses aren’t final I feel you should make sure that each car can fit the orange track. — Big_Poppy
- Thanks. That eliminates several Jeep castings — Uncle_Elvis
- I tell you Uncle Elvis. I'm thinking of just launching them onto fat track or the grey 2 lane track, then a finish line. that's what we will do. the jeeps WILL NOT race on orange track, only fat track. — Big_Poppy
- Ooooohhhhhh, back to the drawing board — Uncle_Elvis
- No JEEPSTER. No car type. I want rugged suv & such. — Big_Poppy
- Better update those rules then. Especially if you want knobby wheels — Uncle_Elvis
I'll get in on this...
Foursix Diecast Racing
Found everything today except the tuned muscle car.
- You may need to hit up a flea market or Diecast shop for it. — Big_Poppy
- They kind of look like Muscle Machines cars but not exactly. — SteelCityMafia895
- I can still send in 4 out of the 5, correct? — SteelCityMafia895
- Yes, you can send 4 of the 5, no problem! — Big_Poppy
Can I get in on this?
Oregon Outcast Diecast
1) Big Poppy Racing (Cars in)
2) Kaptain K (Cars in)
3) Uncle Elvis (Cars in)
4) BFG (Cars in)
5) Mrs BFG (Cars in)
6) Miss Mini BFG (Cars in)
7) Mini BFG (Cars in)
8) Puffs Racing (Cars in)
9) DRT3K (Cars in)
10) Mischievous Racing (Cars in)
11) Steel City Mafia (Cars in)
12) E67 DRT (Cars in)
13) Oregon Outcast Diecast (Cars in)
14) My Hot Wheels Collection (Cars in)
15) Triple Cross Race (Cars in)
16) Dutch Clutch Racing (Cars in)
17) RNR Racing Rhett (Cars in)
18) RNR Racing Ryker (Cars in)
19) Rez Wheels (Cars in)
20) Numbskull Racing (Cars in)
21) Umi Ri Racing Jason (Cars in)
22) Umi Ri Racing Kai (Cars in)
2024 Rip n Race Team Intros