Closed - Canyon Outlaws Bogan Edition - Driver Call

Chaos_Canyon Sunday, 1/26/2025

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This is the plan for the series but we reserve the right to change the racing style at any point without consultation.

Check out the brief video here for the basics, but full details are listed below. Any questions, just ask

Chaos Canyon – Possum Hills – Twisting country dirt road farm/forest style course including an uphill section, jumps and uneven sections
Vehicle Rules
·      Cars should be received at Chaos Canyon no later than 15th of March 2025. If the tournament starts before your vehicle arrives, it will be added to the racing roster once it arrives
·      Cars are not returned
·      Cars must have at least a partial interior (steering wheel/dash) and a driver figure
·      Cars must have clear windows – stock black/smoke tints are ok but do not paint them to black them out (simulated dirt on a windscreen is ok). If the casting you want to use has painted out solid windows (like the OZ Wheels castings), then you must cut out the drivers side/door glass at least
·      Paint job to be weathered/custom. Doesn’t have to be a rust fest here, but it needs to look like it’s been driven a lot, and driven hard or left outside for the past 20 years
o   No offensive slogans or symbols
·      Max height 26mm, Max width 31mm – every car will be put through the tightest section of the track and if it doesn’t fit, you won’t be racing. We haven’t set a max length but I wouldn’t extend any trucks, they are already long and there are some tight curves that you may not make it through. We also haven’t set a minimum length, but the short cars generally just spin too much, so avoid them if possible – Utes tend to be long as stock
·      Min front clearance 1mm Max front clearance 5mm
·      Vehicle Models
o   Any pre-2000 model of pickup or ute (American, Japanese, Euro, Aussie/NZ etc) as long as it fits within the size specs. If the model you want to use doesn’t fit the height, you are allowed to cut it down to fit (roof chop) if you want – but no convertible trucks, they just look weird. But you could do a ridiculously low roof chop. A bogan would do something silly like that
o   You can also take a pre-2000 car and turn it into a ute/pickup by cutting the roof/back and making a rear tray. The tray can be covered with a Tourneau cover if you want
·      Any wheels allowed as long at the tyre area is black – no coloured, clear or fantasy wheels. Wheels can be sanded and/or coned
·      Any axles allowed, can be tubed, glued, polished, custom, pins etc
·      Any lube allowed – just not so much it’s coming out everywhere
·      Vehicles must be given a name (like Beaver Mobile) and a driver name – These details must be sent with the vehicle
·      Weight Limit -
o   Min weight 40g
o   Max weight 45g
o   Weight must not be visible from outside, including in the tray – unless it is painted to look like a package in the tray (can be underneath, but be aware of your road clearance)
·      Body modifications – if you want to cut out the wheel well to lower the vehicle or put larger wheels than the casting comes with, this is acceptable (after all, that’s what bogan’s will do). Just be careful to make sure the mods are smooth and aren’t going to catch on the track edges
Competition Rules
·      26 cars will compete per season – 10 Outlaws on ‘The List’ and 16 wannabes, plus 4 alternates allowed in case of no-show, non-performance or disqualification. Registration is first in first served, only one entry per person, max two per household – you cannot build two cars for yourself to race under different names, this is to allow as many people to enter as possible.
o   However, if you want to build two cars for yourself, I will test them and race just the faster/most consistent of the two
·      Registration only counts on the official driver call thread on Redline Derby. Do not register on the FB group, YT page etc as it won’t count
o   Comment below to secure your spot – channel members may have pre-registered
o   First in first served
·      Race style
o   One and done, head to head races
o   If you crash, you lose whether the other car makes it to the finish or not (unless they crash, which will trigger a restart)
o   First over the line wins
·      If your car breaks or fails to make it down the track consistently it will be retired and another car will take its spot – if you have sent an alternate, that will be tested first
o   If your car was on the list, it will forfeit that spot
·      We will try to race the cars each week, with all Outlaws racing and a selection of the wannabes. There may be some special events (like built vs bought etc) where this doesn’t happen though
·      The season will be approx. 3 months long, but may vary dependant on other series
Overall winner – The winning vehicle will stay at the track to start the next season, plus the builder gets a trophy, and a custom t-shirt with their car on it
Speed Demon award – There will be a fastest race time and the winner at the end of the season will receive a custom t-shirt with their car on it and a speed demon trophy
Additional Tips
·      Even with the bumps and jumps, vehicles that sit lower tend to perform better because of the lower CoG
·      Highly recommended to NOT HAVE SUSPENSION – it sounds like it would be better, but in our testing they bounce after the jumps far too much and causes them to crash
·      Make sure the car tracks straight as possible and all wheels spin for the same length of time. If the inconsistency is too great, you will struggle to make it down the track
·      Keep the weight as low as possible. Being utes, you have the smallest amount of weight up high but they can still tip over, especially in the first few corners
o   Don’t put all the weight into the tray area because that’s easier. IT will make the vehicle unbalanced over the jumps and the booster will tend to throw the vehicle – they already tend to get light up front when passing through them
·      A wider, lower truck/ute will tend to be more consistent than a skinnier, taller one
o   It might be tempting and look cool, but I strongly advise against putting anything in the tray of the truck/ute. Keep all your weight as low as possible, adding stuff (besides a tray cover) could have adverse effects on your rides handling
·      Paint tip – don’t just paint the whole truck flat brown and call it rusty, that’s a bit boring and really hard to see on camera. Try to age it like a real vehicle would age.
o   It doesn’t have to only be rusty, it could just be scratched/chipped and have dirt/road grime and maybe some green build up in areas because it hasn’t been cleaned. If you want to rust it, remember that fibreglass doesn’t rust, so think about what would rust
o   If you are planning on leaving the paint fairly stock and just giving it some aging, be aware others may be doing the same thing, so we could get a few vehicles that look identical, which will be hard to tell apart onscreen. Make sure you paint/decals is unique enough to stand out. You’re welcome to add numbers to your truck if you want, or a window banner along the top of the windscreen etc
o   Can I add a spoiler, bonnet scoops or engines etc? Yes. But if anything sits outside the edge of the car it is likely to get caught on the track at some point and stop your car. It must also still be within the max width/height. Also be careful adding low scoops or splitters as they are also likely to drag on the track and slow you down
o   Can I paint my windows black to tint them so you can’t see the weight inside? No. You can only use a stock tinted window that comes with a standard car. Painted windows will DQ your truck – see OZ Wheels exception, where you must cutout the driver’s window as these casting have no glass as stock
o   Does my car have to be a Hot Wheels casting only? No. You can use any car manufacturer, as long as it fits the above size/weight/styl criteria. Just keep in mind the Matchbox and Majorette wheels are not as fast as HW, so would suggest you wheel swap them and OZ wheels are rubber wheels with solid axles so must be changed
o   Can I add a bumper bar? No. While bogan’s play rough, this isn’t the wasteland
o   I have a Ford Sierra, can I send that? Not stock, but cut it up to look like a ute then sure.
o   I have a really fast 2008 Charger taht I want to convert to a ute, can I send that? No. It must be pre-2000
o   I’m no good at painting, can I just leave the stock paint exactlya s is? No. The best part about rat rod style is that it’s meant to be a bit rough. You could even paint your car with a paint brush and leave the brush strokes in it. Bogan’s have been known to paint their cars with housepaint and a big brush, so don’t be afraid of that look
o   Do I have to open the car and add weight? No. You don’t have to open the car at all. If you’ve got a really fast stock car (that fits all the criteria – remember there is a minimum weight this time) then you can leave it and just rat up the paint
o   Can I add a light kit to my car? Yes. That would be super cool but not required at all
o   Does my car have to have a driver figure in it? Yes
o   Can I change the size of the wheels that came with the car and file out the wheel wells? Yes. If you want to add bigger wheels you can, but keep it looking real, no monster truck wheels etc. again, this is street racing
o   Can I sand or cone my wheels? Yes* as long as they still look real. If they are coned so they look ridiculous then no. If in doubt I strongly suggest you post a photo and we’ll confirm yes or no for you
o   Can I use custom axle pins? Yes. We are not restricting the type of axles you want to use or how you secure them, it’s up to you
o   The car I want to send is open wheel, like an old Ford Hot Rod, is that ok? Yes. If it was a real, pre-2000 truck, so like a Model A pickup, then sure. But it’s gonna take some abuse, so those wheels may not last, plus the boosters can launch your truck if the wheels don’t hit even
o   Can I make a total custom car to send? Maybe. We would need to see at least a sketch of what your’e talking about. If it’s something like cutting the back off a Chevelle wagon to turn it into a custom ute, definitely. Frankensteining 3 cars to make one hybrid monster, probably not - again a photo or sketch will help us decide
o   What’s the address to send it to? We are working on a PO Box to publish, but for now, only once your car is ready, message us for the address
o   If I send two cars, and you race the fastest one, can I get my other car back? No. Any vehicles that are sent, become our property to use as we see fit. We will try to give your hard work screen time, even if that is in the background parked up somewhere
o   I’m not happy with the race my car was in and I want to complain, what do I do? Suck it up. This is meant to be fun and sometimes races don’t go your way, you get knocked out by other cars etc. If you want to complain about races not being fair because it’s one and done format etc, then this is not the series to send a car to
o   There are two of us in our household that want to send cars, can we both submit? Yes* as long as each person builds their own car. One person cannot build four cars and just submit them under different names. If you do this and we find out, you will be banned from all future competitions and your cars will be destroyed. And yes, we have ways of finding out, the community is not that big. Max of two builders per house
o   I want to send some other cars for the diorama/background, is that ok? Yes. I can’t guarantee we will use them, but if you want to send some that’s fine
o   Can I add a big engine out of the bonnet? Yes*as long as it looks real. Don’t go crazy here, the thing shouldn’t dwarf the car and adding weight up high will make it more likely your car will roll over
o   Can I add a roll cage to the bed of my truck/ute? Yes, no issues with a normal looking roll cage
o   Can I add a tow hook to my truck/ute? If you really want to but it may be worse for you, so think about it carefully before doing it
o   Can I put ‘stuff’ (tyres, wood, surfboard etc) in the bed of my truck/ute? Yes. However, I wouldn’t advise it and please make sure it doesn’t take you over the weight limit or size restrictions
o   Can I drill holes in the car? Kind of. If you’re talking bullet holes or driver damage then yes but if the car looks like a wiffle bat, then no. It has to have a story behind why the holes are there
If you are unsure about any of the rules, ask in this forum and we’ll try to answer you.

Nitro Potine in Beavermobile is automatically in as last season's winner
Confirmed drivers
1.        Enzed Racing
2.        Joel Dirn
3.        Craigster Senior
4.        Ben Kendrick
5.        HawThenSung
6.        King Jester
7.        Lacuevadiecastracing
8.        Crazy Canuck
9.        Puffs Racing
10.      Beaverworx
11.      JBlotner42
12.      ToxicRock
13.      EP Videos
14.      RLo
15.      BrewCru
16.      Spirit of 64
17.      VariatSkunkworks
18.      Ruckus Racing
19.      DaBlazemann
20.      Live Yound Diecast
21.      Justin Thyme
22.      Prime Numbers Racing
23.      Demon Preacher
24.      Send It Racing
25.      Mr Darq
26.      Lobotomy Scam
27.      Big-Mac
28.      Ragin Ricky
29.      G- Force racing


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Kingjester 1/26/25

Kingjester will take part in the action, when are cars due?

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Crazy_Canuck 1/26/25

Oh my goodness...yea please let me get in on this one! 1 Canuck ute coming right up!

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PuffsRacing 1/26/25

I want in 

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Beaverworx 1/26/25

Beaverworx Would like in as well

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JBlotner42 1/26/25

Ok, I'm in. OMS Racing will be ready!

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ToxicRock 1/26/25

Bri O'Hazard would like to be in please.

Big Cats IN!

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RLoRacing 1/26/25


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Brew_Cru 1/26/25

I'm interested to get in on the action.

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Spirit_Of_64 1/26/25

In please!

I'd love to be part of this event.

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