Different methods of bonding

Hey guys how are you? I want it to start a discussion on the methods on gluing and bonding . I think it's more old school but new to others that never tried it. The the product I'm talking about is super glue, super glue gel and baking soda. Now I love the way epoxy works I will use it every time but there are times that things comes up and I can't afford the tubes at the moment. so I have to result to a super fast way to applied my axles without epoxy. There are some that will only go with epoxy and there are some that loves to try them all like me. For the information is free to try it is free , but me as a newcomer to redline Derby I may be wrong and I may be right about some of the information that I know. That's why I'm glad there are experienced racers, modders they have been doing this for some time. I would love to hear insight on what you guys have to say or your opinions on how you bond .what it does is just as quickly as J-B weld it dries instantaneously . Now I know I've have bonded my axles with super glue gel +baking soda and it's still going strong since 2018. Through my races on my track , the bond is very strong. Cars banging around , it's still holding strong !!!. Not converting anyone or starting any trend , from racing 1/32 slot cars you learn somethings and that's what I'm looking to do is learn put things to the test.
Thanks guys for your time
"The guy that loves to experiment "
I'm interested to try the super glue + baking soda just to see it work. I've always JB Kwik'ed my cars but that's just because when I started it was recommended. I tried it. It worked. It's cheap. The holy trinity.
But super glue + baking soda might be cheaper and I have both things in the house all the time. I'm willing to give it a go. And if nothing else, it'll be a new method I can use on other projects where the epoxy is just overkill.
I only use hot glue for temporary stuff, like fiddling with weights. The hot glue doesn't stick very well on the metal unless you prep that metal good. Plus the hot glue can change/react to changes in temperature and stuff, which when shipping cars all around probably isn't the best. Hot glue can be undone, epoxy not so much.
Good stuff, Chris, thanks for sharing...I'm excited to try a new method.
- Try on something small you can even put on a little drop on a piece of wood make it two and then on one drop spray alcohol on top of one and blow the alcohol off, the next drop sprinkle some baking soda on top of it let stand for at least a minute and blow off the excess baking soda let's stand for about the same time as the quick weld. — Chrisw
apologize for late post. This is a little example of baking soda and super glue gel together on plastic Which is one of the best binders for plastic and a little bit of metal. Strong bond.
I've used superglue and baking soda for years on plastic models. It's a good gap filler, but I do find that the baking soda can make just the outside of the glue set fast, and you have to wait for the inside to dry. I just apply the glue and sprinkle with the baking soda. Multiple thinner layers are better for faster drying.
On another note, after I saw the title of this, I thought I was about to read a heartwarming story about a father and son bonding over diecast.
Okay this goes right to the heart of my question... I am using Hot glue to put my cars back together. I have had some drop from heights similar to those found in racing and the bond held. I am using Gorilla glue hot glue which is rated for metal and plastic and wood and other materials and is temperature stable, according to the documentation, however the test for me will come in the coming weeks when my dodge races in the Bay City Diecast Dynasty of Dodge tournament. The way I did it was place the nib directly in the hold and use kind of a making a soft serve icecream technique, then spread it around the hole and pressed down with a popsicle stick. The glue was not rubbery, but more like plastic and the hold seems really good. Either I am really smart or really dumb but I guess we will see soon...
- Just don't use it as a hair product. — SpyDude
- The Gorilla Glue hot glue is the best I have used for anything, including basing metal wargame minis on washers. Haven’t tried it on a car yet, but it is keeping grass tufts in place on my track despite the cat’s best efforts! — Rainsford
- I didn't know Gorilla Glue made hot glue! Definitely gotta look for that. — redlinederby
Whenever I have used the Super Glue/baking soda method I put a small amount of baking soda on the parts then put the Super Glue on top of it. It will soak in and not spread the Super Glue where I don't want it. Super Glue tends to migrate wherever it wants too.
I e had many issues with super glue/superglue gel, if the surface doesn't match perfectly it can come loose. I usually use JB quick weld or gorilla glue
I haven't had the best luck with super glue; it makes some plastics brittle.Super glue and baking soda is intriguing, however, and I will need to try it. For metal on metal I have always used JB Weld. For plastics E6000 and Gorilla Glue have worked well. Shoegoo also works well, but a tube of it has a short shelf life once opened.
I almost exclusively use E6000 - if you've seen any of my cars, more than likely that's an E6000 car. I've had superglues ruin what would otherwise have been a good car - once you get that stuff on an axle and mess up the wheels, you have to start all over. Even the gels seem to run on occasion.
I like using E6000 because it's a strong gel, albeit a little rubbery. It holds everything solid, yet can be easily cut off to repair or redo parts and pieces. If I want to glue axles (half the time I don't), a drop right smack in the middle works well, and I usually place a small cover plate over the top to make sure the axle stays put. For gluing the body, I tun a strip of glue down the insides of the doors, then press the car together and let it dry overnight. Never had a car come apart on me. If I need to open up the car, I simply run an xacto blade between the chassis and body, and the car comes apart easily.
- Thanks for the input. I have this on my list to try, for certain cars. I generally use jb, the cure time can be made faster with a little temperature. Cheers — CutRock_R_Marc_D
JB Kwik sets really fast but JB Weld sets very slowly...now when they both have cured....JB Weld is much harder and if I've got the time to leave a build in the jig overnight...I use JB Weld.
...but this is the place to share ideas and glean other info...so, looking forward to your insights...it's what makes this place the Mecca of Diecast Racing.