Do all mail in tracks video results?

Lionsden112002 Wednesday, 4/22/2020

I saw an announcement for a race but no information about how to watch the event. How can I find out if it is worth the effort to send off if I don't see the fun?


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WorpeX 4/22/20

It truely depends on the host. Most of the regulars here will video the results like redlinederby, LeagueOfSpeed and myself. While hes new, Chaos_Canyon certainly seems like a host with some high quality videos to keep an eye on too. If you're interested in a race and you're unsure if the host will video the results, just ask in the comments!

  • Thanks :) I'm not running any mail-ins yet but once we're out of lockdown I probably will. In the meantime, people can at least opt to drive one of my cars . I've just started a FB group where people can register their interest. Chaos Canyon Diecast Racing. I'm also running 'The Redemption' event this weekend for the other 16 drivers that didn't get to the finals, in a more rally style event. It will all be filmed but also spread out into separate videos rather than one big monster long vid like my first one — Chaos_Canyon

Yes...most host have YouTube channels and post the videos on RLD as well.

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madmax 4/23/20

When we do run mail in videos, we will be having youtube videos of the races. Our current races have been Local , with a few known outsiders but not yet a full blown tournament of mail ins. 

that is to come..

Currently  our final race  end or series end results  get posted here on Redline Derby..

We are also pretty new to this..

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redlinederby 4/23/20
Site manager

It does vary. Videos are by no means a requirement but at this point most everyone tries to get something posted. 

Folks have to use YouTube though...this site doesn't offer any video uploading. But it's always encouraged to post the videos here so people can easily find them, share, and discuss. Redline Derby is as much about the races we put on as it is promoting the great racing going on everywhere. 

But if you don't see results or have a question about race, just post a question and let folks know. 

And if anyone has any questions about how to use the Redline Derby web site to share and hype their racing, just send me a PM or post a question. Here's a good guide but there are a lot of tools here to help promote your racing.

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