Finding Your Fastest Cars

I've been using this method for sometime, and have found that it consistantly shows my fastest cars. (There will be some exceptions, but for the most part this works 95% of the time). I use a 3ft sections of track and elevate the starting point about 2-3inches...the cars that roll the longest distance normally will turn out to be my fastest cars in a race on the Big Track. What method other than racing do you use to find your fastest cars?
My daughter has a circle track with a super charger. If I notice cars on there that perform especially good I try them out on the drag strip. The same usually hold true.
Interesting method -quick and easy. I usually spend way too much time, conducting endless races to determine my fastest cars. May have to try your method to save time.
thanks 442, i think we all would like to see you [ and carl ] test less
Interesting method -quick and easy. I usually spend way too much time, conducting endless races to determine my fastest cars. May have to try your method to save time.
I would really be interested in what everyone else here finds in doing this. Note: like I said, it isn't always accurate, but it really puts the fast cars in the same league real quick, and weeds out the slow ones as well. Let me know how it works for you, or maybe you have a better system.
I usually spend way too much time, conducting endless races to determine my fastest cars.
Oh, I've done plenty of that. The most ever testing before the Featherweight 2. For all the good it did me.
test less
And here I was thinking we were RACING!
When I first got here I didn't have a test track and my efforts really showed that.
Test, test and then test again everybody. It will make all of this much more fun for everyone.
When I was younger, I used to make the longest single track I could and do the coasting competition to see which of my cars would go the farthest. I never thought to make the correlation between coasting and speed, but it makes sense that if a car rolls forever, it's probably a good racer.
When I was younger, I used to make the longest single track I could and do the coasting competition to see which of my cars would go the farthest. I never thought to make the correlation between coasting and speed, but it makes sense that if a car rolls forever, it's probably a good racer.
That is one thing that we will do from time to time with a one foot high starting gate and up to 35 feet of track. The ones that make it the farthest typically are our best racers. But again, depends on the track. Is it meant for the heavier cars or do you have to run them on a long straightaway.
That is one thing that we will do from time to time with a one foot high starting gate and up to 35 feet of track. The ones that make it the farthest typically are our best racers. But again, depends on the track. Is it meant for the heavier cars or do you have to run them on a long straightaway.
My observations have been, the heaver cars do not always show their full potential on this type of track, due their weight once they get on the flats. The lighter cars many times will roll faster and longer once the track flattens out...but this method allows you to run you cars without all the hassle of setting up 35ft of tract. That being said, you will still get a very good idea of your cars and what you can expect on race day. Try this...get your slowest car and run it on the setup I described, and then run your fastest car and see the results. I'm almost certain, you will be pleased the the results...and its a quick way to group your cars from fastest to slowest...and you don't have to run 35ft to collect the cars after each run.
That is one thing that we will do from time to time with a one foot high starting gate and up to 35 feet of track. The ones that make it the farthest typically are our best racers. But again, depends on the track. Is it meant for the heavier cars or do you have to run them on a long straightaway.
Try this...get your slowest car and run it on the setup I described, and then run your fastest car and see the results. I'm almost certain, you will be pleased the the results...and its a quick way to group your cars from fastest to slowest...and you don't have to run 35ft to collect the cars after each run.
That is what the kids are for! We actually do the long track to find slow cars as well as we have a league race where you have to be the last to cross the finish line. We have one car that is really, really good at just barley crossing the finish line. We then see what other cars stop in the general area on this long setup that we have. What would be interesting is if this short little thing would provide the same results as the 35 foot long track we use sometimes. Im guessing they would be totally different because weight comes into play more with the higher starting gate. Might have to to try it to see.
That is what the kids are for! We actually do the long track to find slow cars as well as we have a league race where you have to be the last to cross the finish line. We have one car that is really, really good at just barley crossing the finish line. We then see what other cars stop in the general area on this long setup that we have. What would be interesting is if this short little thing would provide the same results as the 35 foot long track we use sometimes. Im guessing they would be totally different because weight comes into play more with the higher starting gate. Might have to to try it to see.
Yeah your right,...but try this setup, but lower the starting area to maybe 1inch, and I think you will find your results will be very close. I'm going to run a box of cars a little later today, and race them on the 25ft track, and post the results.
Coffee table with two legs shimmed... he who rolls best gets shipped !