KandORacing Sunday, 1/5/2014

Help! I seen that I have a new private message. I went in my inbox and it says "You have 1 private message currently on hold because of full folder. Release all on-hold messages... they will be re-sorted into the appropriate folder if enough space is made available." I deleted some old messages from both the inbox and the sent messages folders. It still won't let me see the message. What do I do?


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Milton-Fox 1/5/14

You are probably in the default setting already, but if you havent yet - go to the rules folders and settings section and select the setting you want for incoming emails. The default is not to let any in until you delete for space. It will probably reset if you log out and back in for the space allocation.

There is also an option to create another folder and then you can move them to say a "read" or "keep" folder as you open them using the If - then function. Dont know how this impacts the number of overall messages you can keep in your designated cache.

Hopefully Brian will be by shortly!

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KandORacing 1/5/14

Thanks, I'll try that out and see what happens.

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KandORacing 1/5/14

Nevermind guys, I figured it out. I can't believe it took this long

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redlinederby 1/11/14
Site manager

There's a 100 message limit on the inbox. Just delete old messages and that should help avoid it in the future too.

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