Hey Smitty...Gassers

Milton-Fox Tuesday, 12/3/2013

Copied this from another forum they are all 1:1 scale though!


Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox


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model40fan 12/3/13

thanks milt...worth clicking the word gassers...
I was surprised that they didn't mention nitro-methane...called tipping the can... it's ban in 1956 meant the cars had to run gasoline, and boom, just as the authors have stated... gassers were born...
not sure but I think gassers had to leave the engine close to where it was...
an altered allows a 25% of wheelbase engine set back...
the moving on from '32 to '40 coupes was mostly from a 1964 restriction on wheelbase...
'60's cars pulled the front wheels up under the body, and the rear end moved way forward in some factory cars...
they were shorter than the old cars with their wheels on the corners...
I think they were called A bodies or B bodies...
.... feed the need, build a GASSER !

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Stroller 12/3/13

What make is that car?..........................

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model40fan 12/3/13

British... Anglia or Austin ?

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